
Probably the least hateworthy Phil Collins song, though after reading the article I'd say her reasons for hating it are understandable. But "a poor man's Sting"? Not even Phil Collins deserves that.

*throws tomatoes at Mohd*

Now that it's become common knowledge that CDs are little more than garbage, it's getting easier to find good albums on the cheap. One of the Book Off stores (Japan's largest chain of used book/game/DVD/CD stores) in my area recently decided to start phasing out CDs, and I picked up a bunch for 100 yen (about $1)

Should have added "Funk Ad" at the end (or even better, directly after "Da Funk") to fill up that one remaining minute.

The X-Files

As I've gotten older I've noticed that the newer music I listen to is either more abrasive or further away from what would be considered typical rock or pop, so the fault is probably less with the songs on Accelerate and more with me personally reaching a saturation point where it's gotten more difficult for

After stating my intention to revisit it a few weeks ago, I finally got around to listening to Accelerate by R.E.M. in its entirety for the first time in three or four years. When I first heard the album, I was disappointed – I’m a big fan of R.E.M. “rocking out” (the year-long wait between first hearing “Wake-Up

There's actual footage of Neil Young in the early '70's walking out of a record shop with CSNY bootlegs after confronting the cashier (in a not-so-threatening-stoned-Canadian-hippy-kinda-way). It's part of the Archives Vol. 1 box set and the clip was on YouTube for all of a few days before it was removed after a

I'm just going to have to assume that Raymer has never heard 2ManyDJs' As Heard On Radio Soulwax.

We got any people tonight who are………HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

It's 26 Mixes For Cash and it's not even a bootleg, it's a compilation album released by Warp Records.

1. I mentioned that his friend Liz Taylor referred to him as the "king of rock, pop and soul" in my very first comment. I have no idea what you're trying to prove by providing a link of a video confirming what I already said.

*sighs, rolls eyes*

I see what you're saying; I suppose if there is anyone who "genuinely deserves" the title, it's probably Jackson. What bothers me though is that most people seem to think he came to be referred to as the "king of pop" over time in an organic way, rather than it happening due to Jackson's people insisting that networks

I generally find the "Hear This" articles on popular and well-known songs disappointing, but I kind of get why it's necessary: a "Hear This" from late August on a Paul Westerberg song topped out at exactly 19 comments, and we're already approaching 200 comments here after just eight hours. Those AV Club/Onion bills

I think he's a bit overrated but I get why Jackson's music is so popular and I like a few of his songs, including this one. But much as I don't get people who think that he is unquestionably the greatest thing to happen to music ever, what really pisses me off is the whole "king of pop" thing. It was a title invented

Did you at least get to hear Axl fucking Steven Adler's girlfriend?

The dated production on Don't Tell A Soul basically ruins the album for me, but "Talent Show" is one of my favorite Replacements songs. About a year ago, CarbonYeti let me know about a bootleg titled Shit, Shower & Shave which has a great version of "Talent Show" and some other great performances with good sound

Stinson's death was initially reported to be a drug overdose (a syringe was found near the body, but it turned out to be for insulin and was unused); the actual cause of death was later found to be organ failure, but in all likelihood years of substance abuse contributed to this.

Good primer. With so many great songs to choose from, it's inevitable that some favorites are going to be left out (I'd definitely find room for "Androgynous") but good song choices overall - and those who love the last two albums are going to feel slighted, but they can't say they weren't warned.