
Live at Winterland was the first Hendrix album I ever owned and I still love it to this day - great mix of originals and covers, the Experience at their peak and plenty of "jamming" on the instrumentals yet it does not get tedious. I got the cassette back in '92, and playing it in the car last year it still sounded

Can't believe I didn't notice this article until now - I love this album! It seems to get overlooked these days when great albums from the '90's are being discussed, which is a shame as it's enjoyable from start to finish. Wish the article was a bit longer and more in depth, but I'm glad to see Exit Planet Dust being

Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, Vol. II
Slow Train Coming
Magical Mystery Tour
the red and blue albums
Willy & The Poor Boys

One upvote for you, but clearly a pat on the back is not required.

Omigawd, the spambots are replying to other spambots. We're through the looking glass here, people.

Wow, I had no idea. Will have to check that out, thanks!

This movie made a huge impression on 14-year-old me back in the early '90's. I was just getting into punk and alternative music at the time, and though I didn't start a pirate radio station I did stay up late searching the radio dial for one. Not surprisingly I didn't find one in rural Nova Scotia, but I did discover

Big Kahuna Burger. That's that Hawaiian burger joint. I hear they got some tasty burgers.

"Son, you got a panty on your head."

It's a good joke, but I'd still rather have Flav in my band than Professor Griff. Honestly, aside from the "succotash is a means for kids to make cash / selling drugs to the brother man instead of the other man" lyric in "Night of the Living Baseheads", I'm hard pressed to think of any significant musical or lyrical

You say you'll never understand? Well, I can't do nuttin' for ya, man.

I heard she's got gold nipples.

Considering it would be too easy to simply recommend Nation of Millions and Fear of a Black Planet in their entirety, this is a very good playlist. However, Sonny Valerio and I both have to disagree with your dismissive assessment of "Cold Lampin' With Flavor":

Rip out your intestines with a fork?
Slam your fingers in the door again and again and again and again and again?
Have your blood sucked out by leeches?
Shove an ice pick under a toenail or two?

The weekend I bought that album, I played it thirteen times - I was getting over my first-ever big breakup at the time, and it was absolutely the right album at the right time. Still one of my all-time favorites for sure.

It's clearly nothing to Regret, though.

Well said. For whatever reason, Celine Dion is one of those artists whose music almost always causes me to involuntarily cringe - in fact, I just barely made it two minutes into the song (when the chimes came in and the ghost appeared behind her in the mirror, I couldn't take anymore). That said, it's been so long

I like "Fantasy" but that's probably because I like the Tom Tom Club song that provided the hook, and of course the guest appearance by the late, great Ol' Dirty Bastard.

Good soundtrack, too; "Cool Cat Walk" just came up on shuffle play as I was reading these comments.

Yes. Yes it is.