
Not really. If I hear enough good things about the films once they're released or happen to be at a friend's house when they're watching one some day in the distant future, I might be tempted to check them out. But I'm not going to make any effort or spend any money to see them otherwise.

I've never avoided anything pop culture-related strictly because someone I dislike recommended it or liked it, but I will be avoiding any and all future Stars Wars films to spite George Lucas and the whole moneymaking machine surrounding the franchise. I wasted over eight hours and about twenty dollars watching those

Just thinking about that song puts a smile on my face.

As a white guy in my 30s who absolutely loves Sebadoh, I will concede that their Rush cover is probably one of the worst things they've ever recorded (and I own Losing Losers, for fuck's sake). That said, the multitude of hateful and/or unintentionally humorous comments from outraged Rush fans last year arguably made

Come on. No Mr. Dressup?

That whole first round of albums is pretty much untouchable. I love them all, though I prefer Supreme Clientele to Ironman and consider Clientele be a strong contender for best Wu-Tang solo album ever (and I also feel the need to mention that The Pretty Toney Album is pretty damn solid as well). But Liquid Swords is

Most of the English TV programming my kids watched was from VHS tapes my family and friends sent to us in Japan from Canada, so I'm only familiar with three of these shows. Sesame Street is a given of course, and I was more than happy to let my kids watch Blue's Clues for much the same reasons as those in the article.


Nah, I'm too bored and old for angst. And it never paid off for me, anyway.

Upvoted, in lieu of sharing what most likely will happen to that thinning hair in the years to come.

Well, I could gloat about all the time and money I've saved by not having to go to the barber in recent years but…yeah, who am I kidding? Enjoy your "luscious raven locks", ya lucky bastard.

As someone who was in high school when Pablo Honey came out and could generously be described as balding now, guess I'm gonna go cry some tears of anguished aged death now.

Like the first two, LOVE the third one, indifferent to the rest. My pick would be "Hunting Bears" - even though Amnesiac is one of my favorite Radiohead albums, it's an uneventful two minutes that usually gets skipped so I can get to "Like Spinning Plates" and "Life In A Glasshouse" faster.

The A.V. Club
Wow I sound like a dork

I will say this for "Kimigayo": at least it's short.

I never bother changing the genre tags on anything so at the moment all the Cramps albums on my computer are filed under "alternative", which is what they were automatically labelled when I ripped the CDs. However, I just noticed that for whatever reason "People Ain't No Good" (from A Date With Elvis) is credited to

Now that's a song about robots. Even before the song started, they had me at:

Up to that point I had sat quietly through the entire movie, basically blown away by how a film that had received so much critical acclaim and had been nominated for so many awards could be little more than a clichéd love story with one-dimensional characters and unconvincing dialogue. And to make matters worse, as if

Hard to say. Maybe I'm not giving the director enough credit, as it's been well over a decade since I last watched it; I might have to give it another viewing sometime keeping that perspective in mind. I wouldn't go so far as to say I hated the film, but the very first time I saw it and upon subsequent viewings I

No worries. I'm much the same way, which is why I try very hard to be considerate of other people in the theatre who have paid to see a film, even when I happen to find the movie unintentionally hilarious or think it's a steaming pile of crap (and if I ever had to choose a "Hatemovie", Titanic would most definitely