
Did anybody really like OLP? I always thought they were one of those bands that benefited from just being generic enough to get played on Much Music and a lot of radio stations while at the same time fulfilling that pesky CanCon requirement. Whenever I met someone that had one of their albums, it was usually the kind

"Groove Is In The Heart" has always been the shit.

I never got into Moxy Früvous, but if I had liked those albums before all this shit came to light I would probably still listen to them too. It sucks when someone who did something terrible is associated with something you really like, though.

Though factually impossible (as you mentioned in your first comment, the movie came out in 1987 and Clapton's son died in 1991), the story (or legend if you will) that the "ghost" in Three Men and a Baby was Clapton's son circulated around many a school in the pre-Internet days. And even though you insist "that


They may be Canadian, alt-rock and a band, but I would hesitate to use the word "celebrate" in association with anything related to Jian Ghomeshi these days.

It's not the slide whistle, Marah - the slide whistle is featured numerous times throughout the song. I'm pretty sure the part Schaefer is referring to is someone actually screaming “heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea!” in the background, during the breakdown near the end. You can hear it in the video around the 3:51 mark, and based

It really does work well, doesn't it? I'm surprised Pocari Sweat hasn't been marketed for its hangover prevention and recovery purposes in overseas markets, or even here in Japan for that matter. The very similar Aquarius is actually made by the Coca-Cola company, so you think someone there would have tried to tap

Years ago there was also a burrito called the "enchilada" that was a chicken/cheese/tomato sauce combo and just slightly spicy which I probably gained about 10 pounds having for dinner and/or breakfast almost every day back in my bachelor days.

As long as you've been drinking plenty of water, the saltiness shouldn't be a problem. If anything, along with being dehydrated the electrolytes likely need to be replenished as well after a night of pissing and sweating them out.

If I'm in really bad shape, then I just try to drink some water and eat some buttered toast before laying back down. But for a mild hangover, miso ramen with sliced fatty pork (and maybe a plate of gyoza on the side) is a personal day-after-drinking favorite. For something more "western" 7-11 usually has plenty of

Nice. My nearest Subway is about a 30-minute drive away, but I'm a 5-minute walk from a really good ramen shop and a 7-11 (and since I live in Japan, 7-11 is totally awesome).

True. Not a good idea if you're still really drunk or feeling nauseous, and if you're already getting the spins when you're laying down it can make things even worse. Should specify that weed is best for a mild to moderate hangover.

Well I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn't hurt
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, so I had one more for dessert

Beat me by a few seconds. Just smoke a bowl or two and feel much better.

Hey, that's my birthday too! It'll be number 37 for me, though.

That run of albums from Suffer through to Generator is solid. All four are worth checking out, but for newbies I agree with Starky Love that the All Ages compilation is a decent starting point - plus it has great live versions of "Do What You Want" and "Fuck Armageddon…This Is Hell". I also like the 80-85 compilation

At least he still has hair. Lucky bastard.

As are fax machines and compact discs.

I generally can't listen to music at work but I play it at home pretty much constantly, including when I'm going to sleep. For the best part of a year, Metal Machine Music at low volume was usually what I listened to for this purpose - it works really well. Recently it's mostly been Boards of Canada and DJ Krush.