
I get it. I am really passionate about the music that I love and hate, and with like-minded individuals it can be a lot of fun having heated discussions about these things. However, due to the inability I once had to understand why someone would love something that (to my tastes) was obviously shitty, I used to get

"Vaseline" by Elastica for…Vaseline?

"It's a holiday in Cambodia / It's fun here and it's nice / It's a holiday in Cambodia / Bring along the kids and wife"

Or "Love Shack" by the B-52's

Oh!!!!!! What the fuck WAS that!?

They could always change that line to "Comes with a plastic toy" to refer to the cheap prize that comes in the cereal box.

"Orange Crush" by R.E.M. for Orange Crush soda/pop

"Know Your Chicken" by Cibo Matto for KFC

When I used to stay up until after midnight back in high school so I could tape songs by Sebadoh, Magnetic Fields and any number of other artists off the late-night shows on CBC radio because their music was damn near impossible to hear in rural Nova Scotia pre-Napster, it sure as hell wasn't because I was "trying to

Yes, I believe you are right. Must have been high as fuck last time I watched that documentary.

Nah, let's see if we can get Barry Miles and Paul McCartney to have a gentlemanly broken-bottle brawl instead.

I believe that particular tune was dedicated to LSD, as the fab four were well into smoking weed by that time (thank you Mr. Zimmerman). Paul states this in the Anthology documentary series, but in any case late 20th century music is all the better for talented musicians taking mind-expanding drugs (see also: Brian

It's gotta be this one. On the whole I own what I like and dislike, but if I have such a thing as a guilty pleasure it has got to be these Behind The Music documentaries:

He's singing to a plant, dude…whoa…

I've done that before and it actually works quite well. Too bad I don't have a drill. Guess I'll just have to wait for some kid to leave one in my yard.

Some kid's football (soccer ball) sat out in our front yard for a week or so, and it's ours now - finders keepers I say. Got pencils and rubber bands? There's your slingshot. Got a bottle of vodka? There's your rolling pin right there! And you can get corkscrews at the dollar store, or use your freaking teeth if need

I read he gained the unofficial nickname of "The Shit Terrorist" on the tour opening for Guns n' Roses/Metallica back in '92, on account of his habit of hiding his excrement in the ventilation systems in the hotel rooms of his tourmates. Still disgusting, but frankly it's funny thinking of Lars Ulrich or Axl Rose

I've still got the "Easy" cassingle and the VHS copy of You Fat Bastards! Live At The Brixton Academy that I purchased at a yard sale for $2 back in '92 - and they both still work. Anyone tries to step on my lawn or throw donuts at me, I'll give 'em the frowning of a lifetime.

I completely agree about the make-over and the pairing-off of Sport-o and Alison - that still bugs me. But the preppy girl/"bad" boy pair-up was pretty common in my high school experience - plus we have Judd Nelson's freeze-framed fist pump at the very end to bring the film back up from flawed to slightly flawed work

Cue the tumbleweed