
Did you actually read the article? This guy chose some good songs (including a lot of stuff that has slipped off the popular radar over the past twenty years) and did a damn good job explaining why he chose them.

"The AV Club's still cracked and broken!"

Just check out seasons 3 through 8 sometime and then you'll be up to speed.

In Canada it was Miss Fran. Waited every time for her to say my name though, and she never did. *sniff*

Wish my parents had used the same good judgement with Full House.

I watched way too much TV as a kid and could choose from any number of the 80's shows mentioned here. But when I was visiting home over the summer I came across a bunch of old notebooks from when I was in elementary school, and in one of the grade two notebooks I had made some sort of "profile" where I listed my

Yes to this. I think that a lot of people were expecting or hoping for Moon Safari 2, which is why 10000 Hz Legend came as such a disappointment to so many people. But I really like how experimental that album is too - I would even go so far as to describe it as weird (in a good way, like as if aliens had come to

Dave 2: Return of the Bland, or Back to the Middle of the Road

Saw NY & Crazy Horse twice (in '96 and '01) and was blown away both times. Granted that was a while ago but if the music on Psychedelic Pill is any indication, the Horse has still got it. Also saw Dylan in '97 and though I was only familiar with the Greatest Hits albums at the time and the interpretations of those

Well, I asked for an explanation, and you most certainly delivered an explanation! And I apologize for suggesting you might be trolling - reading a few lines of text, it's not always easy to gauge the author's true intent.

Seriously. Overall I enjoyed the article and agree with the sentiments expressed, but stating that you can "recite portions of (dialogue) backward and forward" and then proceeding to misquote a line is either extremely sloppy writing or was done intentionally to increase the number of comments.

Almost wish I'd been in the UK to see it get knocked out of the #1 spot after 16 unfathomable weeks by "The Fly" - I say almost because in Canada at least it was "only" nine weeks at #1.

Not looking for your assurance, fellow web surfer (and sorry for any confusion).

Can you assure me that it's OK to dislike that very well-crafted-piece-of-shit song then? Well-formed or not, a turd is still a turd.

I couldn't agree more with your Beatles/U2/R.E.M. analogy. That said:

I guess the problem isn't filler so much as I plain just don't like that album. I loved "Drown" and Siamese Dream and really liked Gish and a lot of their other early stuff (and still do), but Mellon Collie and Adore both leave me cold.

Not even the greatest Smashing Pumpkins record ever made (Siamese Dream, IMO). I also liked (and still like) Gish, Pisces Iscariot and a lot of the other early stuff. But I was hugely disappointed by Mellon Collie. I bought it for $23.99 plus tax (not bad for a double CD in 1995, but still a lot of money for me back

"Color Me Once" by Violent Femmes and "Burn" by The Cure are two songs from The Crow soundtrack that I still love to this day. And the Nine Inch Nails cover of "Dead Souls" was my introduction to Joy Division.

I was in university at that time so a lot of people were running the whole "get-8-CDs-for-a-penny-and-then-move-away" scam. I remember seeing a lot of Cable Guy and Batman Forever soundtracks around that time as well.

Compiled for people who didn't listen to music, at the request of some other people who didn't listen to music - who hoped to somehow make some money off of those other people who didn't listen to music. Weird now to think this sort of thing was even viable.