I don’t give a shit what the polls say.
I don’t give a shit what the polls say.
While this seems to make sense, it’s important to remember that the current SCOTUS is a political body disguised as a Judicial one. And I can perfectly see them strucking down any attempt from liberal States of using the same bullshitery Texas played, but now against guns rights, while upholding the Texas law, by the…
They’re liars that count on the listeners not knowing what AOC explained. It’s for their sake that she said that. The lie only works if people don’t understand. Remember, abortion rights are actually accepted by a majority of voters, even in Texas — the only way the anti-abortion politicians can maintain support is by…
The point of the lawsuit isn’t really to draft women; it’s to get rid of mandatory Selective Service registration altogether on the grounds that it’s discriminatory.
Either way, the ACLU taking up the military draft as an issue concerning gender discrimination seems to me to be a pitfall of liberal definitions of gender equality, which rely on the idea that women must seek to do everything that men do.
I believe some Republican tried to make a similar argument to “own the libs” and Tammy Duckworth and a couple of the other women vets were all for women being required to register for the draft.
I was hoping people had finally tired of giving this racist money, but your take is probably more correct.
Yeah, but the article started by a proclamation about how much the writer will to ensure Biden victory. So certainly she wouldn’t blatantly misrepresent what was being said in order to cast Biden in the worst light possible.
Sanders would lose bigly for all the reasons you mentioned. Maybe that’s why she wants him as the candidate.
I completely agree but you better get that dismissing finger ready because you’re gonna need it.
It’s also amazing that Reade admits “the complaint” we’re hunting for won’t make any mention of physical assault. I feel like that giant detail isn’t getting the attention it deserves.
yup, but sadly MSM and youtubers ( left ones) like TyT, sam seder, david pakman etc all are also jumping on the hype train because there sanders was not winning...2020 is looking a lot like 2016.......
As evidence, you need look no further than Reade’s own Twitter timeline. Before she became a big-time Sanders supporter, she strongly supported Biden, including praising his work towards halting violence towards women.
Yeah, this piece just came off like Joan airing her whole, inexperienced ass (but not to welcome a fist mind you).
In high school, our theatre company had too many guys (for a change) for the male roles for a play we were doing (I can’t remember which Shakespeare comedy it was). The teacher and a couple of us serious theatre nerds were trying to sort out which of the guys to cast in minor female roles when we hit upon the idea to…
From what I can tell, and please others correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems Polanski’s nominations became a big scandal in France and so to protect the future of the awards, the entire board stepped down. Even those who did not support all his nominations (although I assume a lot did if he got so many). They…
Literally the best part of the summer Olympics is that point, about a week and a half in when Costas has been up for three days straight, broadcasting at weird ass hours so US viewers have the prime time show and is starting to lose it a little. That’s when stuff like this happens and it’s hilarious
oh my God that is AWESOME
This is just spite from the Brexiteers because those know-it-alls in Oxfordshire voted 70% “remain”.