Executor Elassus

Completely agree with you that this is how it would work if implemented in the US.

Well this is Finland so.... since they actually give a shit about their drones, it could happen!

Cut to me three hours after my wisdom teeth were pulled, having a giggle fit and accidentally spitting bloody bits of Taco Bell bean and cheese burrito on the inside windshield of my mom’s van.

I think some of that was still the last bit of the anesthetic wearing off. I guess immediately after the procedure I laid in

instead of an age limit they should probably just be required to beat Carter in a fist fight. 

Because most male comedians are Low-Empathy and western masculinity loves that because it doesn’t make them feel bad about being self centered.

No its not. Old people have Rush Limbaugh. And Fox. And Alex Jones. Nothing is worse than them

Instead of having the taxpayers foot the bill when a lawsuit against officers is lost, they should take it out of the police pension fund. This type of shit would stop REAL quick.

they replace it with a statue of her with her mirror-mosaic outfit from WTF

Why would people hate on her? It doesn’t seem like she’s hurting anyone by doing this and as a teenager, she’s doing more than many of us have.

The Twitter response to anything involving this kid is nothing short of insane.

The fuck? I don’t know who Greta Thunberg is, but sailing across the Atlantic is the about the most un-snowflake like thing a person could do.  That’s right up there with alligator wrestling in my book.

you could argue that the celebs are doing more to promote climate awareness than the harm they are doing by flying privately, but i dont know how you quantify that. The truth is they are doing what most of us do. The majority, at least based on polls, still support doing something. But how many recycle even when its

Voices From Chernobyl.

Voices From Chernobyl. Get tissues and a barf bucket. No I’m not kidding on the second one.


It could get way uglier, or go away, just like in Florida. However, I’m inclined to agree with you, it will get uglier this time around. One of articles I read about his arrest over the weekend mentioned how he would ask the victims he “loaned out” to his friends to report back with details. I don’t doubt for a minute

I guffawed when I saw that this grotesque charade turned out to be shadow of what he wanted. Stick that in your ear, Donnie.

You make an excellent point. Judges and lawyers shield us from Donnie as best they can, but really some unsung heroes are your average daily bureaucrats. They know how the system works and they

“Burning it all down” to bring about equal justice for all is not the same as “burning it all down” to reverse the few gains that women, minorities, and the poor have made in the last century.

Hard-working dicks, you say? My interest is piqued.