In Marvel comics and movies, sure. In the study of actual Norse mythology, however, Svartálfaheimr and svartálfar are generally regarded as synonymous with Niðavellir and dvergar.
In Marvel comics and movies, sure. In the study of actual Norse mythology, however, Svartálfaheimr and svartálfar are generally regarded as synonymous with Niðavellir and dvergar.
“The story takes place in the magnificent Nine Realms in the mythology of North, and here has been threatened by the invasion of the kingdom of frost and flames. The kingdom of dwarves in
Wat AlheimSvartalfheim is now falling apart; during the war, Odin’s beloved sonBadrBaldr was also unfortunately taken away by…
People may laugh and say you wasted your money, but you’ll have the last laugh when you’re able to sit there pondering the orb you just bought.
Jensen Impact when? We already got an Aloy crossover, so it’s not like it’d be without precedent.
Walmart partnered with Nickelodeon in 2018 to make a “green slime sauce” ketchup which, while it wasn’t EZ-Squirt, still managed to scratch that itch. I made a meatloaf with it just to see what would happen:
We just had a customer last week whose first name my boss had written down as Zachary. But after I booted his computer up to diagnose it and saw his user name, you know how it was spelled?
I had figured it was French and pronounced something like Dew-nairst, but according to this tweet from him it’s pronounced Dennis, which explains why the chart in the tweet quoted in the article had his name as Dennis.
Whoops, double post. Kinja seems to be more broken than usual today. 😒
I mean, I’m a self-respecting grown-ass man and I couldn’t tell you all the words to “Livin’ on a Prayer” off the top of my head. I could at least give you the pre-chorus and chorus, though.
I worked at McDonald’s way back in the dark ages (2001-2003), and even then they weren’t deep-frying the apple pies, they came frozen and they were baked in the oven to heat them up and brown them. I don’t know what changed in 2018 that people are upset about, but it definitely wasn’t how they’re cooked.
To be fair, BF1942 had an entire expansion dedicated to baked-in goof. It was all stuff that was at least in the design stage at some point during WWII, sure, but some of it (the jetpack especially) was goofy as hell.
Cereal box prizes peaked with Chex Quest. I don’t even like Chex outside of Chex Mix, but I made my mom buy me a box just for that.
1.75 miles per 54 gallons? Now that’s a gas-guzzler.
Behold the totality of my Christmas decorating:
I’d be curious to see someone tall and super-lanky like Doug Jones or Javier Botet wear this, they’re about as close to Eva proportions as you’re going to get in real life.
The proper plural is “Smurfen,” as in, “I saw a flock of Smurfen out in the woodsen.”
It came back in at least some areas around 2015 or so, I missed the boat on it back in the day on account of being a small Happy Meal-eating child, so it was the first time I got to try it. Definitely agree it needs to come back, that shiz was gooooood.
This ain’t advanced 5th-dimensional calculus, here. Oreo Thins have two thirds less creme filling than original Oreos, which in normal, not-stupid-marketing terms means they have 1/3 the amount of filling. Since these new Extra Stufs have double that amount, they have 2/3 the amount of filling of a traditional Oreo.
You’ve probably done this. You’re happily munching on a Honeycrisp or Cosmic Crisp apple when you look down at it and realize that you’ve eaten half of the sticker. A momentary sense of panic kicks in, and you wonder if you’ve basically poisoned yourself.
Had one in my mom’s trailer growing up and let me tell you, they absolutely still collect dead bugs and dust. Especially those Asian ladybugs, they love to congregate there for some reason.