
Either way they were going down. No point in getting crammed on, too.

Then they check everyone's pecker to make sure they're in the right locker room.

C'mon now Patrick. If you're going to punch, you're supposed to punch upward.

Like he didn’t bring home some ‘domestic staff’.

I am confused about this as well. While I disagree with most stances of the Republican Party, I can at least see where they are coming from most of the time. But this shit is so fucking ridiculous. Does their base even like this? I’m in California, so I guess the Republicans I know are RINOs because they don’t care

They need more THC in their lives.

Well we know Ranesha isn't.

If your tiny kid doesn’t just listen to the same music that you do, you’ve failed as a parent.

When you think about it like that, it really is a slippery slope.

Chief Keef is the favorite in my book.

Could be the best thing that ever happened to her.

Always women's basketball selection truthers.

Let's not go crazy over this.

He’s hurting the pockets of people/entities that matter.

Two motherfuckers.

Their dad told them he was going to get a loaf of bread and never came back?

Jerry Rice

This is too bad.

Any Mount Kushmore without Willie, Cheech and/or Chong is bammer.

That's fucked up. He's already been a Redskin and now you wish the Browns on him?