Exar Kun

When are directors going to re-learn the previously well-known lesson that every time they attempt to speak over their own work, it reduces confidence in it? I haven’t seen this movie yet and these posts from Johnson present a good argument why I never should

Are the fans of TLJ nerds too? Or is it only the ones who disagree with you?

Except that the new generation of resistance leaders had already destroyed it through arrogant hubris and general ineptitude.

Much like filmmakers expecting the audience to embrace a narrative where the original cast was broken and discarded one by one in order to accommodate inferior replacements.

I didn’t realize people have a huge issue with the force projection ability. I thought it was a great use of the force. My only problems with the film were some narrative issues and Luke’s characterization. Honestly, if there was someone in real life that was a hero of mine and whom I idolized when I was a kid and I

Luke has spent years perfecting his technique by trolling people around the galaxy who all claim to have seen Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in the 7-11 buying green milk and slimjims.

The phony Luke was clearly NOT a doppleganger. His hair was shorter and darker than the real Luke’s, and the lightsaber was Anakin Skywalker’s old blue one. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of magic Luke Skywalker, or something? Boy, I really hope Rian Johnson gets fired for this blunder.

I just couldn’t disagree with this take more. The lions share of issues I’ve heard brought up have nothing to do with gender, most are directed at the overlong second act.

But George Lucas said there were no bras in space!