Exar Kun

No, this it why it should being perpetuated. Fans are not blind nostalgia fans that don’t want change. They’re people how appreciate strong storytelling and character development. Fans hated ep 7 because it was a reboot. We want creativity. But what Rian did was lazy, it was change for the sake of subversion, gotcha

And Chewie’s death in the expanded universe is why they relegated it to ‘legends’. They get rid of 20yrs of stories for Chewie’s role in these last two movies?

No fans are whining about the force projection. Rian latched onto a portion of a journalists comment and tweeted a smart ass response to stick it to fans... once again. Fans don’t want fan fiction. It’s cringeworthy. We want creativity, but also that it make narrative sense and has continuity with the saga. Rian’s

Fans don’t have an issue with new force powers. We do have a problem with poor story telling and weak/illogical character motivation. And fans don’t have a movie in our heads that we wanted played out. We may speculate because we like to be creative and we like our movies creative. This might be a convenient arguement

Changing up the direction of the saga for... one film! At a high level, Rian keeps says he made all these decisions so that he can let the past die and take the series in a new direction. But this is only going to happen for one film (maybe)?!? His next series will have different characters and a different timeline.

Why would that need to be part of the script? Rian just basically mixed the order of ESB and ROTJ plot beats. Nothing Rian wrote ‘had to happen’ as he keeps saying. Even if he did turn up he could use force speed to get out of the way. But to follow your aguement, if he couldn’t be there then why was Rey and Leia and