Exage03040 @ opposite-lock.com

So I wrote a rage post over at Oppo.

Content Or Creative Kinja Blocks.


I’m making every featured block a picture of David Hasselhoff if they do, though. Hoffposite Lock.

Find the right topic and anyone becomes a conservative.

Change is good, if it leads to improvements.

Yup- still impossible to get through any story that contains more than a couple photos that need to be loaded, along with the 27 ads. (And yes, I once counted 27 ads in one story- it took about 8 page reloads to actually get through the story to count all 27). 

Ernie has forsaken us

Revzilla offers some of the best motorcycle coverage online anywhere (and run a great store).

Anyone who’s ever raced or seriously tracked  motorbikes knows that this is mayor click bait (the video to be more precise).

I’m just going to call bullshit on that.

Soooo.....let’s talk some statistics, since we are tossing them around here:

Yet if you look at the graph it looks like the normal ups and downs with a general downward trend......

“seems significantly off” based Healthcaredive’s article on a peer reviewed academic study in Health Affairs VOL 39, NO. 6 published April, 23rd 2020 “The Potential Health Care Costs And Resource Use Associated With COVID-19 In The United States”.

I’ll call BS on their model. On August 2 there were 6,004,196 positive cases in the US. On September 2, there were 4,597,990 cumulative positive cases in the US which was a one month total of 1,406,206 cases. this model claims 17.7% of all US cases in that one month were related to Sturgis. Most math models with wild

Other reliable news sources have reported only about 260 cases traced back to Sturgis so far. And since only one in 5 people need hospitalization, even taking the $46,000 figure that only gets to about $2.4 million in healthcare costs.

i’m starting to realize that to a lot of ‘fellow’ americans their idea of their most fundamental right is the right to shit on everyone else if they so please

“Now we have a scientific study to affirm this was a worst-case scenario, an event that appears to be accountable for 250,000 cases of COVID-19 at a public cost of $12 billion.”