Exage03040 @ opposite-lock.com

Skay, we’d love it if you joined us over at The Hyphen.  We managed to move Oppo over to https://opposite-lock.com/

So long and thanks for all the fish! You walked into a toxic situation with senior management fucking up everywhichway and somehow managed to stabilize things - kudos. The site views look to be a shadow of where they were in years gone by but maybe with the bazillion popup ads they’re turning a profit. All the best.

Jason: you’ve always been a stellar dude on this site, writing the most absurd nonsense, and your passion for everything has always been apparent. Your writing constantly kept me coming back for years. I hope all the best for you on future travels.

Oh Yeah....I also think Mr. Glickenhaus is a genuinely nice guy. He should come and post over at opposite-lock.com. 

This is an incredibly salty take and in very poor taste considering the Glick has been a friend to Jalopnik for years.

Man, Jim has been around these parts longer than you have, and always been a good dude to talk to. Why are you always interested in the hate train?

Tip of the cap to Mir.

Make sure you click outside the confirm password box after writing your password the second time.. For whatever reason it doesn’t actually accept the password until you do that.

Thank you for the kind words and support. I can’t tell you how upset I am at the decision to pull the plug. I was this -> <- close to getting rid of my smart phone, and getting a QWRTY phone in late 2013, when I found Jalopnik. It was here I found a reason to stay on the internet. Ballaban brought me out of the greys

Oppositelock’s getting the boot from Kinja deeply saddens me. I discovered Jalopnik in 2014, and joined up with Oppo the following year. I quickly found Oppo to be a corner of the internet that I could call home. The vague but powerful rule of be excellent to each other was a cornerstone to our community, which I hope

Really enjoyed this send-off from all of you.

A HUGE and SINCERE thanks Jalops! We really appreciate your kind words and everything you’ve done for us over the years and all you’ve done to help save us in the last week...it’s been a whirlwind.

Oppo was my ‘home’ online...I check it many times a day, not just for the car content, but also for the camaraderie and

a nissan rogue ad is sufficiently annoying to count as a rick roll aswell

Oppo is not a place, it is a state of mind. We are working through a transition but regardless of what form it takes, I am very proud to have been involved in its Kinja form since its birth and am so pleased with the community culture everyone created together. I am also extremely grateful for everyone’s patience as

As corny as it may sound, Oppo has filled a gap in many lives, mine included. It’s one of the few corners of the internet where things are kept civil. I’ve had the good fortune to interact with some fantastic people over the years and it really has become like a big family to me. We’ve supported so many of our

I’ve said essentially this in so many obituary threads this past week, but, aside from just reiterating that this is some bullshit, let me also reiterate that Oppo is unique among communities, in the best ways.

I’ve been active on Oppo for the past 4 years. I’ll definitly miss it, but all good things must come to an end. The people I’ve met from it(mostly Toronto ones), the few meet ups I’ve gone too. It has changed my life in some ways. Kinja Oppo may die, but there are some alternates that are already doing well. The

Thanks for all the support from the FP guys and gals over the years. Without Jalopnik, it’s pretty obvious there’d be no Oppositelock. And we know you guys did what you could to keep us around as long as possible. It’s a bummer, yeah, but the community will live on in one form or another.

Just another nail in the coffin.