Exage03040 @ opposite-lock.com

I always liked “Meh car Monday” it was always a fun read. Mostly because my family owned 5 Meh cars that you put on the list! I still own one!

also, being a parent does not automatically make you an expert, or even good at it. Millions of parents rely solely on the “I know whats best for my kids” argument simply because in their mind it means they are making the right choices and they can go about their lives without fear of being told they suck at parenting,

I hope the trend of having to load pages on Jalopnik and other GMG pages several times to get the comment section to load goes away soon. I’ll take the “slideshow articles” as long as the comment section loads on the first try.

Nah, you can get these at auction for $5k. Not gonna pay 5x that for this example, especially not if I’m going to actually use it for work.

Second guess an Architect? Oh yes. Civil engineer? Quite a bit less.


I used to do COTD, but the choices were getting really slim and all I got were complaints when I wrote them. Add to that nobody was reading them. 

the Crackiest of Crack Pipes. I have spent far more time fixing these turds than driving them. Plus, if you want America’s historical least reliable light tactical vehicle, you can get them on government auction websites for about $3500.

That’s a negative Ghost Rider, Pattern is full. The price is way too high for a bare bones asshole on wheels. You could buy a much less douchy Kaiser M715 for a much less cheddar.

Agreed. I refuse to click through on another article formatted in this entirely unnecessary way. I thought we were all finished with this a decade or so ago. It pains me to pass up on entertaining articles and comments, but I’ve drawn my line. Yeah, I know, it’s a minor inconvenience in exchange for free content; how

The book was a great read and I really enjoyed it. Sadly it seemed that the director of this movie never read the book and made this POS of a movie instead.

I clicked all the way through to get the the comments just to say this is the last and only time i will ever click through one of these goddamn slideshow articles.

Only if they can actually get the comments to load on mobile and it doesn’t just hang forever trying to load all the ads.

Everyone who reads this article on a phone is going to wonder what all the comments are about. No slideshow madness here. 

Wow, this scroll-through article format is incredibly annoying.  

Why in the hell is this a slideshow? I realize this probably wasn’t your call, but it is a bad call.

I don’t like this decline Jalopnik is going through. More adverts, writers leaving, and now a force-you-to-click-through article?

please dear god no. 

I finally made it to the comment section but I’ve forgotten what the question was.

You can’t shut off a cow