
Make fun of me if you want, I love this kind man and his music. I’m glad he finally gets to enjoy being himself. Go Barry! Go Barry!

They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.

kangaroo song, kangaroo song, kangaroo song!

Not arguing that this isn’t a sausage-fest and a half, but you forgot the amazing Noelle Scaggs of Fitz and the Tantrums.

I can’t even describe how I needed this right before bed tonight.

Make Way for Ducklings was my favorite book just ahead of Blueberries for Sal.

We live next to a park with a duck pond and an unhealthy portion of every spring and summer is spent checking the status of the annual ducklings as they grow.

8:30 tomorrow

Drugs, made by school teachers!

Will it still have the interior of a Subaru?

My IG feed is an endless supply of puppies that bring me a tremendous amount of comfort at the end of a long day. It nearly compensates for the real thing.

Facebook really has just become noise. Bad amateur punditry, links to articles from Mother Jones and Breitbart, “80 things that only 80s kids know about,” and anger. So much anger.

While I don’t at all disagree - and 100% agree this man is a hero - I want to also make sure we focus on those women serving our country who put their bodies on the line to defend us all, and yet find those same bodies sexually violated by their peers for cheap thrills. Those women, and all women, deserve better.

I could have made this post “What Audi were you happy to be done with”

Clearly the man had issues.

My A4. Fun to drive in all conditions but fuck VAG and their unreliable systems

Looks like somebody’s never had a Poppy’s Famous buttercream eclair.

Greenbush bakery, Madison WI. Fight me.

Sd!” - Trump

This is Hillary Clinton reading that article