What reason would someone deliberately put the okay sign on the shoulder of a child that they’re posing next to?
What reason would someone deliberately put the okay sign on the shoulder of a child that they’re posing next to?
Because companies used to extort money from people by sending out merchandise that they didn’t order or want. The bank wasn’t trying to defraud or extort anyone.
As a victim of sexual violence myself, I have to ask: where in the world do you feel that you have the right to be the be-all end-all judge of how and why violence is depicted in movies? Did I miss a meeting where we all voted to put you in charge so that you could endlessly spout gobbledygook about what you think art…
As a leftist myself, I have to say that you come off looking like one of those people who deliberately act like a “looney” liberal for trolling purposes.
It’s the husband’s fault he just couldn’t say not to his wife and calmly explain why. Honestly, take my word for it: people do expect men to act like grown-ass adults once in a while in their lives.
But childbirth and mommies are apparently icky and people don’t want to hear that they actually suffer pain. That’s the point of the story.
Do you know how much free porn is on the internet? It wouldn’t be hard at all to find videos of porn that feature women who very closely resemble your crush. These are made because the guys who want them made feel it is some kind of “revenge” on someone, since they know they couldn’t really ever hook up with them.…
How is this story sensationalized in any way?
No. Pathogens in his body are virtually certain to be dead now. New people with living pathogens all over themselves are a much bigger risk.
“I highly doubt he has Ebola”. The Ebola example was given to show that pathogens virtually never survive more than 10 days in a dead body. Any pathogens in his body are almost certain to be dead now. Sending in fresh people with very much alive viruses and bacteria all over their bodies is absolutely a higher risk of…
No one outside of their island, even people on islands close to them, speak their language.
Dude did this in public in front of news cameras and was written about by various news agencies. Others have just as much right to say their opinion about his actions as he does to perform said actions on the first place. “How about we not tell people how to live their lives? Unless you are writing an article on…
“I wasn’t affected by propaganda!” claims the person who was probably affected by propaganda.
Here’s a question: Do you think they’ve slept together since the Presidency started? I say no. She probably never enjoyed sex with him, and now that she’s First Lady, she can get away with rejecting his advances. Since if he made a stink about it, it would become public knowledge. And that would be hugely embarringing…
And they don’t control the House or Senate, so they can’t pass laws without Republican support. So blame Democratic voters, who always insist on being wooed by some charismatic politician, versus the Republican voters who are more pragmatic and just vote Republican no matter who they are.
The problem for Democrats is that the media spends all of its time focusing on the reality show White House. They don’t interview or give much attention to serious policy statements made by Democrats. This is why they have a hard time getting their messages out. Policy doesn’t bring in ratings like controversy.
This happened last week? Why is there no national coverage?! I’m only hearing about this now.
I had not seen this before. Blood excretions on his shirt doesn’t look good.
....Yeah, you might want to google why he has that as a username. Yikes, what an embarrassing attempt at an insult.
You realize they were being sarcastic, right........or?