Their names are on the GoFundMe page.
Their names are on the GoFundMe page.
Not just men, but white men. Everyone would believe them.
She not even sue if for millions of dollars, just lost wages.
That’s not so bad. Parents have be on call for their infants 24/7 for free.
Perhaps actually read the article. It specifically said they rounded up men who ALREADY HAD SYPHILIS, in order to deny them treatment, that so could study how the disease effected them AND study how many other black people (children, women) would contract the disease.
I interviewed and got a job at a McDonald’s despite giving monosyllabic and mostly bad answers to almost all the questions. (I had never had an interview before). I got the job, but pretty much all 5 people interviewed at the same time as me got one. They happened to have a bunch of people quitting in a short period…
Trump sure had no problems hiring undocumented immigrants for his businesses. Of course, most of them got screwed out of pay as much as any of his other employees. He is an equal opportunity con man.
The fact is that for many Trump supporters they voted for him not DESPITE his flaws, but BECAUSE of his flaws. We have to accept that a swathe of white Trump voters wanted an old, white, rich, entitled, incompetent, stupid, insecure, embarrassing, senile, con artist who’s screwed over people his entire life for one…
I’m a generation Xer. Life long progressive. I loved Bernie at first because he said what I wanted to hear. But I hate to admit it, but the “alt-left”, and Berners are doing nothing but dividing apart any people who are more left than a Trump supporter. Many young Bernie campaigners who were promised some restitution…
I see this as a case of “Clark Kent’s glasses”. People have no trouble believing in a fictional world where an inhuman alien who by pure chance looks like a midwestern white guy with tremendous superpowers, but complain because they think it’s impossible that no one in that world wouldn’t recognize CK is Superman just…
I spoiled it for myself and read the Wikipedia article. From the description of the plot, it doesn’t sound very scary. But the vast majority of critics who’ve seen it seem to say it was uncommonly unsettling.
Nice story bro.
Apparently the manager was fired.
Did you happen to notice that the article you’re commenting on is about the MSU president resigning? But yeah, just jump in there with completely unrelated whining about the judge, we don’t have enough of that.
This Katie Roiphe (who I actually hadn’t heard of until this) has made a career on claiming women’s accusations of sexual assault, rape, and harassment are fake. She was pulling this crap all the way back in 1993:
I’m confused by Wahlberg’s success because he’s a horrific actor. And a terrible person.
I mean hasn’t her story this whole time been that she had no idea her husband could be planning something? Now she says she knew he was, but didn’t connect the two things just after hearing Nancy was attacked. Obviously she thought at first random other group attacked Nancy for some reason. Really?
I’m not sure where you’re getting that I said that Nancy Kerrigan wasn’t a victim.
Right, but when a much more than serviceable candidate who is smart, experienced, but not charismatic up to the hilt shows up, they lose. Democrats want it both ways, a charismatic and experienced cantidate, while Republicans don’t care about either charisma or experience, as long as their candidate can hold a pen to…
It drives me crazy when people say half the country voted for Trump. (Or Hillary for that matter.)