
It must have been so disappointing to find out it was not an Angry White Dude who did it, eh?

It must have been so disappointing to find out it was not an Angry White Dude who did it, eh?

No amount of money KK would spend helping others will be enough. Because she’s rich and should give away all her possessions etc etc. Strange that I find myself defending KK right now, as I have never been a fan of hers.

She probably did more to help prisoners than 99.999% of those who frequent Jezebel. And I am *not* a KK fan.

Not a fan of KK here, either, but at lest she did something (other than sitting and complaining that she did not do “enough”). How many Jezzies here have helped a total stranger just out of the prison with anything?

Ensuring that someone has a ride to an interview is better than doing nothing (or sitting around bitching that Kim is not doing “enough”). I wonder how many Jezzies did ANYTHING for perfect strangers, former inmates to be exact, from the comfort of their homes.

My husband of 22 years died in July. Life will never be the same. I miss my baby every fucking day. I hate my life. 

Borderline illiterate, just like her husband.


She and her husband are a perfect match. Borderline literate.

My husband of 22 years died of a heart attack on July 8th. I have been trying to put my shit together ever since. I have kind of sort of stopped judging people for whetever beliefs they decided to follow. If it works for you, do it. Duvid, I love you and I miss you and I am heartbroken and I will never get over losing

What happened to people liking classical music and not understanding none of his shit? Oh, that’s right, they are white supremacists, not caring about working class’ ongoing snuggle and shit. Bunch of elitist fucks listening to Shostakovich.

I was fucking drugged and raped repeatedly over a period of several years but never got to kill someone. Guess it’s the white privilege that I am still free. 

I was fucking drugged and raped repeatedly over a period of several years but never got to kill someone. Guess it’s the white privilege that I am still free. 

Of course they stole. They are bad people. White and christian and all the other non-grata bullshit. 

Strippers, hookers and gangstas seem to be the new role models in here. Interesting. 

Très enchanté, fucktard. 

Gaga is a remarkably talented actress, something Madonna never managed to become. Gaga is a natural, Madonna is phony.

Urine in a toilet bowl that has not been flushed for a week and mothballs?

“baby father” - is that ghetto for “husband”?