
Only if they had been shut down prior to making RWBY.........

Introducing new characters and new obstacles in a new show is... you know, the concept behind storytelling. “We don’t even know her name,” because we just met her, and we get to figure out how she figures into the story and what means as the story progresses

A reminder that these are the guys who literally picked the name “Rooster Teeth” because it was a minced version of “Cock Bite”.

Holy shit, Cartman had a Clyde Frog doll on South Park, I thought it was just some generic made up thing.

You saying that undercuts your credibility.

The more you learn about the stock market, the more it’s clear that that shit is entirely fiction

Straight white man who is never the target of hateful political policies supports other straight white man who is never the target of hateful political policies. News at 11.

Christ, if this hobby ends up getting inherited into the hands of those drooling Consumerist Youtube dweebs, Reddit nerds, and the reactionary chuds that lose their mind when we talk about anything adjacent to real issues instead of staying with actual critics and journalists I’m going to be *quite* upset.

The sun is so fucked up.  Freaks me out.  

His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

I knew something was up the second I saw the standard circus of reactionary youtube gamer chuds all targeting one single person with a laser focus. Like, that’s your immediate clue to know whatever “anger” going on is entirely performative and in bad faith.  

They found their target of the month—and a woman too, how

Too late. Anna Kendrick beat her to it.

Yeah weird, it is almost like the Remake isn't a 1:1 copy of the original game and everyone has already known that for months now or something. 

It’s the oldest, boringest trick in the book: project onto other people before they can say anything, so when they correctly identify your pathology, it sounds like they are just repeating your accusation.

I’ll be over here impatiently waiting on Reno 911.

RoS is an obvious reaction to the fan’s reactions to TLJ.  Kennedy and Abrams should be ashamed of themselves for caving in to this fan service film.

But is Lube man the newly arrived in town agent Petey?

The Dothraki were shown boarding boats at the same time as the unsullied 

i believe the point is that he actually does look like a creep
