i mean if he wanted half-assed product they’d have kept rt KA-ZING
i mean if he wanted half-assed product they’d have kept rt KA-ZING
I’m gonna open a store next to the WB Games office that only sells pants and I’m gonna call it a Hat Store. I’m gonna be fuckin rich boy.
Studios are shelving, removing, and deleting films left and right for tax write-offs, and yet this thing, which has been sitting in a vault for like 3 years after the completion of principal, is somehow coming out? Yowza.
I think the Rosetta Stone here for pretty much everything Pokemon that tends to get overlooked is the Sword & Shield fossil situation. If you’ll recall, the joke with those creatures is that they’re clearly a bunch of mismatched parts tossed into a revitalizing engine that is making weird half-and-half monsters, yet…
You can’t tell me that’s not supposed to be the GTA universe version of Joker305 at 1:05. The unhinged Florida is REAL in this game. Hell yeh.
Pfft it’s been on Prime in Canada for months now. Suckers.
Uuughuhghhhh. I mean we all knew where this was going, it’s Rebels 2 after all and Filoni was in charge so there was no way it wasn’t going to happen, but ughhh the World Between Worlds. The worst thing ever added to this canon. If it had stayed in the cartoons where I could ignore it just like Mortis then that’d be…
Mimikyu doesn’t count. Apart from the dumb Plusle/Minun thing each gen only gets 1 Pikachu, and VII already has an unquestionable one in Togedemaru - the actual best Pikachu.
Came here to say this. They’ve always been fucking trash. How is anyone surprised by any of this.
Aw man. I had so much fun with friends and 3 back in the day. I get the feeling Bam could really use that likeness rights cash these days, too. Sucks all over.
What, no comment about how their names mean Past and Future, that the Past one looks like some sort of ancient indigenous bird god while the Future one is some sort of cyber jet snake? Oh and that and we’re just getting out of Arceus which was all about time travel? No? Cool.
Oh crazy I literally ran into them last night and died like 3 times, all “God dang these dogs hit really hard for some reason.” It’s a pretty boring bit of ruins so I was just careful, got in, got out, but it’s funny to learn they’re actually bugged.
Yeah. I’m watching the Girlfriend Reviews team commentating it, and they interpreted it as Geoff just... telling the naughty community to chill out. As if he was just admonishing a rowdy subreddit or some trolls in twitch chat. They had no idea he was explicitly calling out Blizzard. So yes, messaging fail. Keighly…
Boba rules. So fun to see her explode for something like this goofy accident because she is the sweetest.
Yeah, do not be fucking shocked when Metzen’s name shows up in all this. You mark my word.
Didn’t get get suspended from Overwatch League for something similar? I mean I know that happened to a bunch of them because OWL loved hiring awful people, but I can’t remember if it happened to him back then too or not.
Stranded Deep? I own that on PC and it’s been in early access for like 6 years. If they’re giving it away for free at least say it’s a full release candidate. Or they’ve clearly just entirely given up.
Still have my Red Mage shirt from all those years ago. I’m cool with that to remind me. I briefly did play Final Fantasy XI with Brian tho. We had a mutual friend. Not that he’d ever remember.
I dunno, I’ll ask the UPS driver with mine on their truck literally this exact second when he’s gonna get here.
Integrade isn’t free. The update to PS5 is free for PS4 owners, but the Yuffie episode will be extra. At least that’s how it seemed to me.