Donatella Breckinridge, M.D.

Except she's talked about this…..repeatedly. At the very least if you're going to question the authenticity of someone's queerness, do a little background research. Literally, a google search is all you'd need.

Except neither of those performers you mentioned ever claimed bisexuality, whereas Gaga has repeatedly stressed her bisexuality and talked about being in same-sex relationships.

These arguments are fine and good except Lady Gaga identifies as bisexual herself so I don't really understand how she can be pandering to a community that she's a part of. I find it extremely problematic to judge something else's queerness when you don't know them personally and/or whether it fits into your own

"the closest we're getting to commercial success AND cohesive albums from a mainstream big name major label artist."

Just watch Obscurus Lupa's incredibly well done video reviews of the show which, while nitpicky at times, do an excellent job at deconstructing the show in hilarious fashion.

As much as I hate the DC Cinematic Universe right now and think that these critical failures/commercial underperformances are well deserved, I need Wonder Woman to be good. I need it to be hit.

So while Gwen tries her damn hardest to give rationale to show's decision this week for that AWFUL Rachel twist,

Any word on whether the Hawk people are gone for good?

I loved seeing Diaz and the other inmates comfort Suzanne after the breakdown.

I cracked. I watched ahead for that very same reason. That hint of Nicky (aka my favorite character) was just too much. I needed more.

It wasn't until I read the recap that I understood the joke.

Wait hipster douchebaggery and condescension towards pop music still exists? Somebody please wake me up from whatever nightmare I'm currently in.

Into You is as close to pop perfection as you can get and in the running for one of the best songs of the year if I'm being perfectly honest.

That whole development reeked (pun not intended) of course correction.

I love Harper. Despite every concievable story convention, bitch still managed to avoid certain death last season.

Any character not Cookie Lyon on Empire, especially Hakeem. What a truly horrifying character and performance both.

Juliet was the best female character take that back.

Move Kill Bill 1 ahead of Inglorious Basterds, and you have my exact list.

I NEED more people to get invested in a show.

I understand that it was supposed to be this visual effects masterpiece and the next step in cinematic technology, and to be fair the movie is visually stunning and gorgeous, but visual effects are not enough to sustain my interest for 2+ hours especially when the plot, conflict, and characters are paper thin.