Evil Fucking Sociopath

Under Kira's supervision, according to the source, pledges in the incoming class were called names, berated for their perceived physical flaws and imperfections, and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion.

dealing with two teenagers at that age sounds fuckin' exhausting.

well, if she can afford to blow 30 grand on newborn childcare, she can probably afford to ship those little assholes off to boarding school. That'll check the teenage 'tude!

I can usually tell that when I have an alternator ordered and it comes in a glossy box with lots of Chinese writing, minimal English that reads "SUPER POWER PURE ENERGI!!" with a stock photo of an alternator photoshopped in front of a waterfall from a company whose name consists of two unrelated English and has a logo

Well, aren't you just a barrel of laughs.

Or we could have them like respectable adults and not resort to the Tumblr flavored 101 level discourses that result in a seemingly intelligent person like you making a proper noun out of Problematic Implications. It's asinine and does nothing but help you flip your own bean. If we never have to have this conversation

Credentialism. Holy shit you need to take the stick out of your ass.

Calm down, Tumblr.

ugh. . .you capitalized Problematic Implications. You're just the worst kind of person.

Protip: do not get your medical referrals from someone named Pebbelz Da Model.

"but as I now stand surrounded by excitable bronies and insolent as ever, I start to wonder if there might be a kernel of truth to the idea and that maybe I am slightly jealous."

I happened to be in a hotel right by last year's Baltimore Bronycon so there were Bronycon participants flooding all of the nearby shopping/eating spots. I cringed when I realized this because I expected it to make for lots of unpleasant experiences.

I feel anxious, I feel irritated, I feel exhausted, but never am I worried for my own safety

Yes, there is a dark side to the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fandom: bronies who sexualize the cartoon (if you want some NSFW examples, here you go) are known as "cloppers." But, as one brony reluctantly tells me with a sad, little shrug, "It's a disappointing inevitability of any fan community."

I was dragged to a Brony con several months ago by a friend from High School who was taking his son. I've seen the show and liked it well enough, but mostly I went to the con out of morbid curiosity.

I think I would have had exactly the same reaction, which pains me because I truly loved My Little Pony in the early 90's. It sounds like any other fandom convention (I know too much thanks to tumblr).

"I feel for the approximate quarter of the country (maybe) who aren't horrible. The rest can bankrupt themselves for all I care."

Ethnic Jews (i.e. those of Middle Eastern descent) are people of color. I thought it would be obvious that I wasn't referring to people of western European descent who happen to practice Judaism, but clearly that went over your head.

Why gluten-free? Just curious.

Honey, you're not average. Let's just be realistic about that one. I'm a woman talking here. While I'm not being down on women, or the fact that there are other women who also do the things you talk about, let's just be real. You just listed a bunch of things that statistically can be proven as most definitely NOT