Evil Fucking Sociopath

Well, there's magic, and I guess someone with psychic powers could mindfuck him or just give him an aneurysm or some shit.

Why is it called "Alternative Medicine"?

If you're afraid of vaccines, you need a reality check.

1. They're still putting their kids at risk.

Patrick Stewart is a goddamn Immortal.

* It's "gif" with a hard g, and I don't give a shit what the guy who created them says. It's not fucking peanut butter.

Guilt-free slave labor?

Wasn't the East India Trading Company basically an evil mega corp for its time?

Next week on Syfy: Sharknado vs Firenado.

And, for those reaching towards immortality, what would they do with their infinite time?

What do you think? Will 3D-printing's biggest impact be in the home, the factory, the lab, or some combination thereof?

Serious question: Is that actually something people who are just moving in have any influence over?

Then explain homeopathy and anti-vaxxers.

And would their family/close friend/etc be justified in then getting a gun and emptying the clip into you?


Also tastier.

1. Don't.

But can it mimic screams of agony and despair?

[Cartman licking tears.gif]

Both videos have a disturbing lack of sharknadoes.