Evil Fucking Sociopath

BRB, gonna go buy some alot of mother and baby hamsters.

Death (The Hogfather by Terry Pratchett):

I'm betting Jon Snow loses his mind and drags all the series' female characters north of the Wall to start up Craster's Keep 2.0.

Eating the brain of somebody who speaks the language and absorbing their knowledge, obviously.

I have the weirdest boner.

As an evil fucking sociopath, I eat hot dogs made of people.

By saying he's "just a white South African" they're all pretty much dehumanizing him.

Looks delicious.

As an evil fucking sociopath, there is no such thing as too soon.

I would've loved if the movie was just Quicksilver and Blink continuously pulling off crazy shit for 2+ hours.

Not all disabled people.

As an evil fucking sociopath, I can't relate to you at all.

To be fair, there's plenty of non-combat related jobs in the Army. My brother for instance, is a nurse.