

They have it relatively easy—soon we’ll have to climb a wall into México.

That’s true, though I’ll still stump for The Incredibles as the best of all time:)

Chip/Johnathan forever. I will go down with that ship.

Oh man, you have no idea how refreshing it is to see someone write that. Usually it’s the other way around unless it’s a Google app.

Hi hi! In case the Duke of Westminster is reading the comments section: I’m twenty-one, blonde, and know a lot about classical European history and upmarket shoes. I also already wear pearls and cardigans anyway! Just in case you’re looking for someone else to help you manage ;) that ;) estate ;)

Nobody gives a shit about your bunk-ass oatmeal mush and your faux-foodspin writing voice. If you want savory oatmeal, learn how to cook risotto like a “grown-ass person.”

And you’ll never guess... Who was there...

And most importantly, you get to be self righteous in comment threads about engagement rings. And who can put a price on that?

That’s why I like to grab my tit, shake it, and say “Say hello to the man”.

What’s it’s CP?

Soon to be a Disney film -

Dear Northern neighbors,

Even the most die-hard Nintendo fanboys could be forgiven for not knowing about the 64DD.

My family won a frozen vacation from Disney to travel there all expenses paid two years ago. Hotels that were $400 a night, fresh real food each meal, boat rides, rafting, etc. Also, Norwegians are gorgeous haha. Sadly, I just had a cell phone on me but it was stunning...

And in Georgia, a June Atlanta Journal-Constitution report cited a projection by the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials that the state could become more Democrat in coming years—and perhaps even by November—due to the surge in registered Latinx voters.

I’ll just pretend he was humming “You’ll Be Back” from Hamilton.

I have nothing to add except that I read Menstrual Justice as Menstrual Juice and was very confused/disgusted.