
I literally own this dress in my closet RIGHT NOW! I bought it at betsey johnson's shop when she was between 2nd and third ave, on the east side. I paid 10 bucks for it on sale in 1994!!!! NO LIE. I also own a baby doll cowgirl dress of hers from 1993 and bought it for 30 bucks. I wore it with docs rot grrrl style.

Blanche, Maude, Bernice, Arthur- it's like all of our grandparents are writing to Jez these days!

Yes! Mine too, the drying off part they looove. You would think they would eventually connect the dots.

Questions: Since when do women not want to be friends with bears?


If only the world had some kind of group of men who were angered by the way patriarchy hurt men, and were interested in organizing around those issues to make life better for both men and women. Men who were activists for "men's rights", if you will.

Is that a third person or a some sort of computerised combination of their two faces?

This! A little part of me wanted him to don the Hammer shirt, too.


There's an Apple joke in here somewhere.....

God, you have no idea how badly I needed this today

Anita Sarkeesian just posted her latest video of the "Damsels in Distress" critique about women in games and I just cannot handle Kotaku right now.

I'm a guy, and I started out posting on Kotaku before I moved to Gawker and then, through this awesome feminist gal I

In certain countries, Muslim women, if they’re raped, are killed – it’s their fault.

My husband put a power plug in our headboard specifically for my hitachi!

NEVER NEVER NEVER HAVE SEX, even if you want to.

Every horrible intellectual man I've ever dated was a libertarian. It's exhausting to try to have any conversation that doesn't go back to how the free market works.


I don't think it's gonna be that much of a problem, Bruce seems to be the creamy center of this delicious nougat.

Am I the only one that read that pronoucing the "s"s as "f"s in my head?

I went to the shoppe called Ye Olde Babeland and did there purchase a fine-looking wooden dildo but was dissatisfied. Perchance I will visit Goode Vibrations on the morrow to find another that does not splinter. *woodcut of a woman giving side eye*

Tis gettyng hawte uppe inne heeyaugh!