
You fear for YOUR kids?

The thought process of “teen girls want to be sexualized so it’s OK to sexualize them” is so fucked up I can’t even wrap my brain around it.

Go read the first amendment.

Uggggggghhhh... I don’t NEED another kitchen gadget! But I want to make this. Dangit.

I made beef barley vegetable soup with homemade beef stock last week, even though it’s still 90 flippin’ degrees in Atlanta, and it was amazing and everyone licked their bowls clean. I’m adding minestrone to next week’s soup menu (this week is potato leek). WE HAVE SOUP, WE ARE READY FOR FALL NOW, WEATHER, THANK YOU!

I’m confused, I shave my leg hair, does that mean I don’t have leg hair? Because I soap them up with a bath scrubby and then shave them in the shower, so I definitely wash my legs. And I will also sometimes exfoliate them too, because mmmmm...smooth legs in clean bed sheets....

Do you want zombie mosquitoes? Because THIS is how you get zombie mosquitoes.

I did a google search to see what a “war dolphin” looked like and I was not disappointed.

This guy apologized, and there was no actual mention of rape. I can understand how a reference to the song might be upsetting, but that’s when, after the apology from the guy, we take a deep breath, take a big swig of coffee, and go on with our day. When I saw the headline, I thought it would be awful. This is

“So long and thanks for the fish”

#9 Ahhhh!!!!! I accidentally did this the other day and couldn’t figure out why my keyboard went all weird. Now I know, and that is actually super handy! Errr...one handy!

“I like sleeping with virgins” = “I’m very bad at sex and would prefer to do it with someone who won’t know any better”

This was my first thought.

Sam Vimes said it better.

Still no. Because a kid who did not go to a “good” school, who did not live in a “good” neighborhood, who had to bust his or her ass to earn every grade they got, is a way more desirable student student for schools to have than a white girl who was given every opportunity to get excellent grades but didn’t. Do you not

This is not a donut. This is barely sushi. This is a toroid shaped, rice nightmare.

So...like...every president?

I found that the dating profiles that had long lists of every band or every movie that the guy liked were a huge turn off for me. I don’t need to know your top 30 favorite albums, dude. Just give me an idea of the kind of music you like or movies you’re into and move on (I believe my profile from two years ago said

Tommy Girl???