No more ponies for you Bro!
No more ponies for you Bro!
And maybe after a good sale on Xbox, we PSN users could have a glimpse of a promise of having it ported.
I' so hyped for that movie! I know I'ma gonna getit on Bluray since NOW!
try looking for the limited edition. It's nice to have some DLC for free, but if you save on the game itself you could throw some moollah on the map packs.
Or maybe all on the ship looking at a skull shaped cloud with shang tsung screaming: IT HAAAAS BEGUN!
Like the DOOM Movie?
Reminds me of this.
I'm still enjoying my Modern Warfare 3 Tiger Electronics toy, Modern Warfare 3 Game and calculator Casio watch, and the best one, Modern Warfare 3: A-10 Commandr for y Original GameBoy. So Rad and thatmusic... it's JAMMIN'
Shut up!
exactly...splitscreen is dead because The Suits want to sell 2 games instead of 1.
They could use colors for different sections and avoidthe damn arrows.
Bushido Blade!?
Girls are scary!
yeah! that's what I'm talking about! Rainbow and SWATwere kind of the best of those days.
hehehehe, cool.
No PS3 Love? Damn!
I guess what you guys want is GHOST RECON. Not a SIM, but neither an arcadey shooter. Try that. The old ones for better result!
Hey! you're welcome dude!
"seiyou kabure"