Where is the one where it freezes the console and have to restart?
Where is the one where it freezes the console and have to restart?
Ia still waiting th to get it fixed, can't play some matches without it to freeze the console. It sux.
Whoah HOHO! Did the same here! and it was almost automatic!
Hire all the hipsters and emo kids. With luck Foxconn will do the rest.
You win!!!
yeah, that's the one.
No, it's just you.
But that was spanish right? (I' mexican and the only parts I heard are spanish phrases like NO TENGO TIRO.
Always classy with your headlines Kotaku...
And still, my PS3 and all others are freezing over this game.
and yet... the PS3 version of blackops is not working, while Medal of honor Warfighter is a perfect playable game... the reviews are kinda bad.
Oh my god...
Thank you real gamer.
One word:
Oh crap, the Wii U?
I wish they could use all of that Activision money to fix the PS3 version.
Dang! I know. I was trying to play with my brother and it kept freezing, we did a hard reset a couple times. Now that a patch was released I've been playing some matches, but the freezing is there, it happens after big games, team deathmatch, the lobby, and while connecting matches.