

I'm starting to like this!

Hey Kotaku!

Because all the bastards complaining in this post were born Full grown up adults right?

Damn I hate Pira-scene

I watched the 5 minute episode (the introduction I guess) where could I catch it?

I think She lives in Prince World. One of the most unrealistic places ever.


Relax I will not feed you, go back under your bridge.

Yeah, because swastikas is not always Nazi-Hitler related if you are asian.

I can see wgy reporting on dicks (pun intended) but swastikas? Why?

We're talking about sex here, right?

Yup that's true!

Nice "ART!

JAJAJAJA Pues ya estaremos haciendo chistes que nadie entienda y ligando videos solo para los latinos que entiendan y que les sobre el pedazo.


Is this DEJA VU?

Ryoga Wanderer

In the last picture, what character is the left girl in the picture? The one with blue long hair and yellow ribbons, it seems familiar but I can't remember. Anyone please?