If someone does that I'd be throwing my money too!
I think the graphic look horrendous, hope they can improve this but I doubt it. The netcode is not good at all, with some lag and even tho I wasn't dosconnected part or y squad had some connection issues.
Is it imported?
Don't know... this trailer looks FUGLY!
I don't know if it's luck or just the time. But I play at night, sometimes reeeeally late at night, and the people i find is usually team oriented and focused into the objectives. That's my type too, I usually play like that (when I find the tim to play!! -married man-).
I bet you a coke that HalfLife Episode 3 will not be available at that date.
Yeah! That's it go back to your Soviet Russia n' stay there!
I know, I'm a fan of the series since PC (OF and Tom Clancy's stuff), and that's why I don't want to see dead a great game like Flashpoint, that's why I thought Ubi could get it due to the lack companies interested in simulators. Again, they have rainbow six and ghost recon so it could be me just dreaming. Just like…
mouth to ass.
count me in dude!
PSN TOO pleeze!
I think you should be playing Motorstorm RC.
Ubisoft could buy that IP and make something great! or sommething awful just to give Ghost recon a push!
Yeah, as a shorts director working on my first bigscreen script it would be nice to read it, AND LEARN FROM IT!
what about snow levels?
what about reading the videogames manuals and instruction booklets?