Doesn’t say. Just “Japanese Mandolin”
Doesn’t say. Just “Japanese Mandolin”
A couple of swift back hands got me to stop interrupting pretty quick. But we’re living in different times now. XD
Doing the roommate thing right now and we came up with the same rules except for the pants. We’re both guys and have no problem just hanging out in boxers early in the morning or late at night. We’re both usually fully dressed from 8am - 8pm though. As far as time alone, we both work but we both have jobs that are…
LOL That TED cracks me up actually. I can’t picture myself standing there flailing about like a loon for that long! But a few good shakes tends to get it good enough.
If it takes 5 minutes, you’re doing it wrong. Even on the non turbo dryers it only takes 20-30 seconds.
I have yet to find a single paper towel that can do the job. I always end up having to use two, but it’s still better than the people grabbing a handful I guess. If there’s a dryer then I just use it.
Perfect timing on this as I just downloaded the app Monday. For some reason I’m stuck at 1280x720 resolution though. Not a big deal, but it would be nice if I could at least make it 1080 since my phone has a QHD screen and records video in 4K. So I’m definitely not lacking in horsepower or anything.
You can also enable Show Touches in the app itself.
I used to have those in California all the time back when I was living the lifestyle of the not so rich and famous.
My right eye is a lazy eye from hell. So am I just out of luck for something like Lasik? The vision in it is only slightly worse than my non lazy eye, but the lazy eye is pretty far off kilter.
OOH! You bought a pixel?!
Ah, the Tracker. Death on wheels! And I’m not even kidding. Lost a few friends to those. The other friends with them were idiots and tried to take them off-roading, then ended up calling me so I could pull them out of a hole with my old Honda Foreman ATV.
That just means convertibles aren’t for you. Or you wear poor quality glasses (or maybe need shades?). There’s only about an hour of each day where the sun is at the right angle that my eyes are actually bothered. You could just be over sensitive to flashing light too.
I’m 6 feet and fit in the back of a convertible Sebring relatively comfortably. Trying to back up in the damn thing (with the top up OR down) was a different story!
Or just keep a valve stem removal tool with you. Makes it easy to do it the same way with no hassle.
Since we’re on the topic, I highly recommend everyone reads”The Art of Deception. Controlling the Human Element” by Steve Wozniak and Kevin Mitnik. It’s really dry but it’s not meant to entertain you, it’s meant to inform you.
Yikes. This has to be the buggiest build of Opera I’ve ever seen. The only reason I even downloaded it was because it used to have IRC support, but that seems to be gone.
It’s trying to use the flash player on Chrome. It works on your iPad because the user agent tells the site you’re on one so it gives you an html5 player. That’s what I suspect anyway. Next time I get that error, I’ll try running it using a user agent switcher to test it.
Because they’re using a flash based player, even though browsers are dropping support for it. Chrome doesn’t support it anymore. Open in Firefox and it’ll play.
Many years ago, I was at Walmart doing some shopping and randomly decided to get some Chef Boyardee ravioli. I just grabbed the 4 pack without thinking and threw it in the cart. Apparently I had glanced at the prices but didn’t immediately register it, because several aisles later my brain informed me that a single…