
Then I guess you will have to kill me, although I warn you I will defend myself. If you use the words, ‘this is men’ how do you expect other innocent men are going to react? I suggest it is in the same way that innocent Muslims react after being damned as an entire group for Islamic terrorism or blacks do when

‘This is men’ Is it? Is every man posting revenge porn? How many men even tape themselves with their current squeeze? I never have and I’ve had quite a few squeezes over the years.

That’s the situation in Britain currently. Of course, this is all symbolic and fairly meaningless. If there was a war in which conscription was necessary we’d all be totally fucked as civilians, let alone soldiers. As a victory for feminism or equality, it ranks fairly low on a scale of achievement.

She doesn’t fit my Western beauty ideal and that has nothing to do with her weight. She has a coarse face, the face of a bully. She also gives me the creeps like few other women ever have done. Maybe she reminds me of someone from childhood I’ve forgotten about who has unpleasant to me or who I witnessed being

It seems so weird to actually like her. That film of hers I found so awful, her role, her presence, as well as the ‘humour’ (I hate all Judd Apatow films as well and hadn’t realised it was one of his when the missus persuaded me to go) that I had to walk out. Something about her gives me the creeps.

I feel the world would be a better place without Amy Schumer.

Why not sacrifice yourself? Goats are fine creatures. Leave them alone.

“a naked bid to elevate fetal tissue to the status of a human being” Your choice of language reveals your unwillingness of face facts. A foetus is a human being, at whatever stage of development. Now whether you think it justified or unjustified to abort foetuses is another matter, but pretence and euphemisms won’t

Really? What evidence do you have for that? What surveys? Any figures? An organisation like the military are no doubt resistant to change and conservative by nature. So their surveys might not reflect the general population accurately and be skewed. What proportion of the population are keen on women in combat roles I

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Now playing

What didn’t happen, Thomas Sowell said it in the 70s or women have been paid fairly? Here is a clip from Youtube.

Well in many cases one gender does choose pregnancy, or both blunder into it carelessly. I have heard that pregnancy is only one element of women using medical services more often. However, not being an American, nor in insurance or medicine I can’t confirm or deny it. Speaking anecdotally the wife goes about ten

Problem is I’m such a stickler for freedom of expression that I would prefer to keep the burqa even if it risks harming Muslim women. However, I understand your point perfectly. It’s one of those issues, like abortion, which has no nice solutions and both sides tend to ignore the unfortunate aspects of their position.

Jealous of a firm understanding of economic reality? There is a solution to that. It can be found in a library or on Amazon. Can you tell me how companies manage to pay the entire female workforce a significant percentage less than their male employees for the same work without facing legal consequences? Or is the

Not really. There is never any justification of eroding free speech.

Were there no women who voted for, or supported the ban?

Tourism and immigration are not the same.

What ‘white people’? They are not a homogenous group. Many white people protested these wars. And I think concerns over immigration are as much to do with culture as they are skin colour. There is some merit to concerns that huge numbers of Muslim refugees and economic migrants will have an effect on liberal values in

Maybe not, but how do you determine which are and which are not?

There are two erosions of freedom here, one is the investigation of ‘hate speech’ against Wilders and the other is the burqa ban. People should be allowed to say what they like and wear what they like without state intervention.