
I don’t think documented case are rare either. I have seen plenty. I don’t think they get as much publicity, that is the difference. Part of the reason Bobbitt is so well known is the grim ‘comedy’ of it. Slicing off a man’s dick is seen as funny whereas slicing of a woman’s tits is not. This was illustrated by

I missed the sarcasm. More fool me.

Your rather crazy system of health care in the States does disadvantage women. However, viewed purely from an economic perspective it makes sense. Women tend to use health services more than men which is why they pay a higher premium, just as men do for car insurance. State funded health care based on taxation is a

Women already earn the same as men for the same work and hours. This is a well known economic fact. It is been true since the 1970s when Thomas Sowell first pointed it out.

If you did force a baby through either, not only would you be in excruciating pain you would be rather confused, biologically speaking, even beyond your gender.

Yes, both men and women can now return in body bags and with limbs missing. Go feminism! What a great victory. Personally, I’d rather fight the draft altogether.

Historically speaking women were one of the most vocal opponents of women being forced to fight. It was one of the reasons why many women opposed women’s suffrage.

No, very, very few men will watch this, just as very few men watch beauty contests. They will buy calendars with more nudity, but the stuff here is strictly chicks not dicks.

So you think silencing people and insulting them is the way forward? After the Trump victory will you people learn nothing? In addition although many of her views are rather unfortunate there are problems with the BLM movement which Noah did little to address. The lack of true focus, fudging of facts, tendency to jump

It isn’t ‘your’ shit. You have no legal ownership over it.

Female instigated domestic violence against men, boys, other women and girls is hardly rare.

I don’t think condemning her for violence is victim blaming. She broke the law and tortured and mutilated her husband. You can’t do that, even if he is abusive.

As the owner of a penis I can confirm that it is quite a sensitive organ and cutting it smarts and brings a tear to the eye. I can only imagine the pain of it being severed. I wonder where you get your ‘facts’.

She is an asshole because she took the law into her hands and committed an unspeakable act of violence. It really doesn’t matter if he was abusive or not, no-one has the legal or moral right to torture and mutilate people. Are you that morally blind you can’t recognise that self evident truth?

How is mutilating a man’s body not abusive?

Wow, way to go, damn an entire group who never did a damn thing. Perhaps you’d like to deal with those tiresome blacks and Jews next.