
Would like to get a nice pair of dress shoes, but they never offer them on sale in my size. Come on, Nunn Bush, I can’t be the only one who needs a 14 extra wide!

Would like to get a nice pair of dress shoes, but they never offer them on sale in my size. Come on, Nunn Bush, I

“Well, you can’t just lock up all of them. It would be too obvious.” - Ferguson Police Department

Why is DC Cinematic universe called the Murderverse but when Marvel has Iron Man killing terrorist, Hulk smashing up Harlem, Thor trying to kill Cap that one time, or Ant-Man literally causing a guy to implode/shrink to death, its described as happy and joyful?

Someone didn’t play the first Injustice or understand the context of the game/comic’s universe and just wanted to make a snarky anti-BvS comment.

Greninja is awesome. Greninja is perfect. He’s a ninja frog with a tongue-scarf that throws water-shurikens. I hear he’s the most bad-ass pokemon on TV too although I can’t bring myself to watch pokemon past season 1 for nostalgia’s purpose. He’s my favourite pokemon and I will love him forever or until a better

Agreed! Plus there's DQVII and DQVIII and Trails of Cold Steel 2 and a bazillion other huge games coming this summer/fall.

No, I’m pretty sure that is Kabutops. Pleb.

He’s in Smash Bros and he’s like Ash’s signature Pokemon in the current anime series I think. So he’s heavily promoted which equals bigger popularity.

Get over yourself. This may come as a shock, but not everyone is concerned about politics when looking for good deals.

Get over yourself. This may come as a shock, but not everyone is concerned about politics when looking for good

Whoops! I’m on it.

LSD isn’t a psychotic drug. Perhaps you meant psychoactive, or psychedelic?

I am sorry but you lack the ability to deliver criticism that is not condescending and vague.

Obligatory it’s okay to murder countless people but sex is bad post.

Oh I’m sorry, were you discussing something?

Pro tip. Only places you are likely to get invaded on your first new game cycle are road of sacrifices after the halfway bonfire and irithyl valley after pontiff sulyvan.

Just FYI, the game prioritizes coop parties for invasions over single player. For reference, I’m 37 hours into DS3 and have only been invaded 2 times by an actual player.

I’ve never had a single case of invasion or PvP being enjoyable in this series. Even with an 80/80Mbps plan and negligible ping I’ve never had an encounter where the lag wasn’t causing me to hit air when my weapon is clearly inside of the other player on my screen, or to die when the other player is swinging at air 20

Time for Joy!

I bet if you got mugged for $56.77, I’m sure it’d feel like some real crime.

My cactaur just went up a level.