
Oh thank fucking God. I am so sick of trying to get a screenshot during a cut scene and getting the perfect shot ruined by the last shot’s screenshot notification. Also I’m really sick of this kinda creepy loaf of bread that’s been in my “people you might know” list for months. I have no clue who that is. This bread

eh. what i said was vague enough for my conscience to be clear. nothing plot-specific.. its not like i blurted out the final boss, which would be a real spoiler.

Because being compressed into a bio-plastic laminate for use in an artificial intelligence’s construct is superior to hearing some guy rant about illegal aliens?
You sound indoctrinated...

Trump has said a lot of terrible things, most notably the abortion comment he made last week. But, I fail to see how that original comment you are referring to was racist. He said that the illegals sneaking in aren’t Mexico’s best and a lot are bringing in drugs or are rapist. One could easily argue that isn’t true,

Hm nah. The Mass Effect trailer was about Shepard, so the trailer would be comparing Trump to Shepard. But I’m guessing you didn’t watch it, and are going by the picture that Patricia posted.

Except nowhere in the video he is being compared to the Illusive Man.

You know, Patricia, it’s pretty bad when you’re spouting things like “racist” when Trump clearly has never said anything racist. Also, this isn’t an official campaign video. It should be, in the title, a “fan-made” ad, not a campaign ad.

I bought the scratching post when this was posted a while ago. My cat doesn’t give a fuck about it and prefers the cardboard pads and a post wrapped in rope. Now it just sits in my house taking up space doing nothing.

I bought the scratching post when this was posted a while ago. My cat doesn’t give a fuck about it and prefers the

This new format with the circles sucks ass.

This new format with the circles sucks ass.

That’s like, your opinion, man...

Clearly you’ve already made up your mind. The rest of us, however, DO care about this game.

Wow, please wake up. The internet and social media are single-handedly ruining the world.

The internet is a neutral medium. It’s people who are terrible.

I don’t think the internet is a terrible place. So much good has come out of it and so much social change. Certain areas are seedy but that’s true of anywhere physical or not.

Oh hush, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying anime titties.


My 100$ tablet can emulate ps1 games but a Nintendo 3ds can't emulate snes games. Yeah sure.

Every Souls game teaches the most basic mechanics. They’re always in messages in the intro level.

Because Dark Souls has the best world design, and refined the combat a bit. The way that Lordran contorts in on itself, and shortcuts open up not only within levels but between them, makes the world feel alive in a way that Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls 2 just don’t. Bloodborne comes close, but even that feels less

Why do people always talk about Dark Souls? Demon’s Souls is the source of all this modern, old-school goodness.