
This guy is awful at throwing stickies

I understand that there is bound to be spill over, due to the injustice of the world. But you taking pokemon go and making it a part of your agenda. Fuck you, just fuck you.

What I don’t understand is that they not expect people to want to play this game? They promoted it for how long and it’s Pokemon one of the most Global things you can imagine. On smartphones which most of the first world has. I don’t know how they couldn’t have expected so many people to download it it’s ridiculous. I

I turned sensitivity down all the way. It was really bothering me at first. I’m enjoying the game a lot so far it’s typical SO. I’m enjoying the shit out of the combat. Hopefully they patch it.

You got number 1 correct good job.

You’re right they should sign all the other free agentsthat want to sign with the Knicks. If the Knicks sit tight they’ll get no one. At least it’s something.

He won’t be president though so relax.

Honestly, I don’t understand the hate for RE6 it was pretty cool.

I was like that until ToO fucked me out of the inward lamp. Fuck Destiny, I’m over it.

That Zelda game left me stunned. That’s a console seller.

Got to 56 seconds. Yikes.

Holy fucking dog shit this is amazing

We’re going to see all the people that bitched about Resident Evil changing over to an action format complain now that it’s too slow. Well everyone can go fuck themselves that demo had just the right amount of Resident Evil in it and if they don't see that then they have not played the old Resident Evils.

No, you can eat shit you stupid mother fucker. Pete Rose is a shit bag, but he has the most hits of all time. Not Ichiro, who is not a shit bag. You’re just a revisionist piece of shit mother fucker who doesn’t like Pete Rose. You or anyone else can never take his hit record away, the only thing you can do is be a

You’re such a crybaby it’s hilarious.

Hopefully the loading screens aren’t as brutal

Well, that makes sense actually. The reapers advanced tech, not the sentient species. So it probably took them a while just to get back to where they were.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. O wish Marvel did an Injustice type game. I want to see Matt Murdoch punch Tony Stark right in his smug face.

Can someone explain to me why all the hate for Dark Souls 2? I loved it. In fact I bought it for 2 systems.

The struggle is too real. 14 4e here. Awful. Just awful.

The struggle is too real. 14 4e here. Awful. Just awful.