
I’d really love a marvel game like this. So Matt Murdock can punch Tony Stark right in his stupid face.

I used to be a real sucker for collectors editions. But I just don’t get it anymore. I wasted wayyyy too much money

Boys will be boys, is not a viable excuse. Rapists should be castrated at minimum. I personally believe they should be killed but I’d settle for the castration. Public displays. That way people think twice about raping.

I’m a straight male. I’m already an assumed piece of shit by people like you. Good thing I’m not white, I’d really be in trouble then.

I’m a straight male. I’m already an assumed piece of shit by people like you. Good thing I’m not white, I’d really

I don’t eat fast food, but if I did I’d go here because it annoys people like you. And I find that funny.

I don’t eat fast food, but if I did I’d go here because it annoys people like you. And I find that funny.

Not pre ordering screwed us out of SS4 Vegeta. Let’s hope they don’t do that this run around.

That owl is fucking stupid looking. The other two look cool though. And that 4 times weakness to ice? No thanks.

As dumb as it sounds I want to do a pyro knight build. I’m having trouble envisioning it though. This should help. I’m open tocomments though .

Na, I keep my old systems. I’m not a fucking moron.

Why even watch video game movies at this point?

There’s a big uproar because most people in America hate white people noe, it’s the cool thing to do. Especially when they hate themselves. It’s really funny to see because they call everyone else racist and then demean(sp?)whites for being white.

Yeah, it’s tough living among them too without punching someone in the face. Which is why I have a punching bag. And I don’t go out in public.

Don’t even know why it’s an issue. The people that molest kids are unfortunately going to do it regardless of whether or not they can go in a bathroom. It’s not a deterrent at all. Those people are lowly scum. Some people just to take a shit or piss. Who cares? I’m all for unisex bathrooms. Womens bathrooms are

Shit like this is why people try to blame government for shit. I don’t think government conspiracies are that far fetched.

12 mediocre. Lmfao let me guess, you like 13?

The Presidential race is a pre ordained sham for the entertainment of the ignorant masses. Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States.

You’re tongue in cheek but Reapers would be worse than anything ever. The complete decimation of every sentient race? No thanks, I’ll take the Illusive man (what future trump would be ) over Reapers. Fuck you I’d rather live thank you very much. You bow down to your Alien overlords if you want.

I think people need more productive things to do than worry about this stuff. Unless you think of it on the shitter, like I am typing this comment.

They should make the punisher into a black trans it’s the only way to save xer

As lame as it sounds I gotta say, pretty much any Final Fantasy. Especially 4 and 7. Crisis Core as well. And Fire Emblem Awakening. Super Metroid, now especially since it’s coming to new 3DS. Can’t wait.