
That was fucking wonderful.

Awesome, but I like mine better

I have it turned off. It’s such a waste of time to sit there and constantly restart a battle. Besides I have played and beaten all of the prior FE games before awakening. I have nothing left to prove .

I teared up over the FFVII announcement. That was glorious.

Conquest is hard but I wouldn’t say it’s and more difficult than FEGBA or Shadow Dragon. On casual it’s a fucking cake walk.

Because social justice does its best to divide and bring attention to any little thing anyone can nitpick.

What a load of horse shit

Yeah, I don’t get the point of the article.

Sign me up for the Totodile club.

So what? Serious question, is there another gaming site like Kotaku, but minus the obvious political machinations? I get it, blog they can write whatever they want, that’s why I’m asking, does anyone else know where I can get Kotaku like coverage of video games? I actually deleted my main Facebook because of things of

I really don’t see why the petting thing caused such an uproar that they cut it. Have these people not played jrpgs before? It’s quite tame. And really, even though exaggerated (jrpg) do people really not pet people they like? Please, I had a girl that used to sit behind me in school and pet my ears or head all day.

This is ridiculous. Such a waste of time. Buy a new game.

My biggest contribution to this thread is this. Fuck this game.

Let’s hope 9 and 8 wind up on ps4 with trophies. Like 7. I’m a sucker, idgaf.

These are the kinds of posts that make dealing with Kotaku’s liberal side worth it.

So many people on here need to talk to more people not on the Internet. It’s kind of sad that certain people think that this is an uncommon interaction.

Been reading your articles for years. I’ve got to say, your taste is awful. So is my taste in reading apparently. I can never decide who provides worse reading material Narcisse or Patricia Hernandez. Although, Patricia has been better lately.

Where do you get your sports? Everywhere I’ve seen predicts annihilation of the Broncos. Most people I talk to as well. I’m included in the Cam Newton is 04 Vick with better pocket presence and built like a tank instead of a glass vase. If he’s healthy, look out NFL. You’re not stopping the Panthers.

I was holding out hope for a bigger size model before I bought one. Now I hear about the NXT. Fml.