
I still bought a few titles, but all remake/rerelease/reETC before burning out on Squares business model of cashing in on the creative glories they no longer made. Those Dragon Quest rereleases on the Nintendo DS were outstanding. Last title of Squares I played was the first Kingdom Hearts.
hell, I gave up on Final

My first choice would have been without question Ray Stevenson.
That said, Morgan has the chops for the role.
Quite morbid of me to be disappointed at the idea of Glen dying the way the writers are attempting to fake out the audience with, solely so I may witness….well. yeah.

You think so??? I gave up on Square during the PS2 era.

Holy shit.

Oh, agreed, though I could have seen those story beats taking place before or during Mission 30s narrative.
If they wanted to recycle let story missions for different difficulty variants…fine. list the. As fuckng side ops training in VR at motherbase.
No boss battles. Well. No memorable be boss battles.

I can kind of sort of agree with your point. MGS4 was early into the cycle and was one of the most polished titles that, personally, sold me on the PS3 more than anything. Exclusive next gen to boot.

Wow does Bruce Campbell nail Reagan both in speech and caricature in the bathroom scene. However if the goal is to portray Reagan as a phony dunce, there's no personal and specific advice he could give to a man he knows nothing about. Leadership is not telling some one how to manage every facet of their life.

I had a BAD feeling when this game was announced as last gen too. That right there was an obvious business decision forced on Kojima. A new MGS on new gen with a new engine would be huge. A lot of potential was obviously cut tailoring it to last gen tech too.

Isn't it odd how important Miller becomes, yet is unceremoniously killed off screen in the original MGS? That's part of why I was hoping MGS6 would be a remake of the first NES Metal Gear. Such details could still be worked out.

Humorous that Ole Huey ends up cucked by his own son then.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this whole Kojima/Konami Venom SnaKe/Big Boss drama all seemed so goddamned meta.
No memorable boss battles.
no breaking of the fourth wall aside from the non-canonical joke above.
A naive part of me hopes Kojima jumps out, kicks players in the balls yelling "gotcha!" and

It blows my mind the amateur hour execs cutting strings here, pulling strings there as they descend into mobile irrelevance. The big corporatization of of all long time companies save for Nintendo is complete. Squaresoft seemed to be the first, Capcom, and Konami whose flame out is near incomprehensible to behold.

Method acting for his role as a butcher?
I haven't seen him in anything since Breaking Bad. Can't even remember when that show ended for the proper timeline.

Really? Can't see it, maybe in part because Plemons seems to have chunked up a little bit.

Goddamned. I'm convinced Jesse Plemons is, in fact, a clone of Phillip Seymour Hoffman whose advanced aging was activated upon Hoffman death.

Suddenly I long for Bruce Campbell in Ronald Reagan: Demon Slayer.
He'd always forget where he put his chainsaw.
Hilarity ensues!

Maybe you missed the LOL.
Spare me the dime store Freudians.

Fellating the historical and present day failings of Karl Marx.
This explains most of this site these days.

Oh yes. Damn lucky.