
Haven't replied, you've given me much to think about and rererereread before I can offer a substantial reply.

Well, that was a revelation. I certainly don't wish to make anything sound simplistic, there are complexities and probabilities everywhere general statements can't stand up to such scrutiny.
Know what strikes me as bizarre? How condescending the notion of "tolerance" is. Tolerance and intolerance are, at their

Oh, I think you're dead on. Politics has devolved into a tired team sport stripped of any context and nuance. Billions of individuals, dozens of issues and you're supposed to be herded into one of two groups and don't you dare stray one percent from the orthodoxy? I don't think I'm any different for refusing to

I think not knowing where they truly stand on a lot of issues helps that sense of satirical neutrality.

Middle ground is why we have reasonable doubt and due process within the judicial system. It's childishly naive to think one party is 100% innocent and the other 100% guilty every time.

You're funny.

Past behavior? Who cares? As if you cracked some case yourself looking up details that are still public to anyone. You seem extremely bitter. Settle down.
Don't go crazy on me, bro.

I don't have to "own up" to anything to you.
Your entire inquiry is pointless.

I think i can agree halfway, while argue terrorist and terrorism are meaningless words. Such semantics are invoked to demonize anyone who is threatening the authorities' power.
Besides. In wartime, how does one surrender to a drone?

You seem to misunderstand if you think I have any obligation to explain myself to you, as you clearly don't to me.

You seem obsessed with breitbart.

You're strange.

So no then.

Reading the season premiere it was obvious the reviewer may have been more offended than he let on. It wasn't until the second episode he feels more comfortable of his beliefs being offended when the scope expands to "everyone" being made fun of.

Any thoughts on the context of what you're replying to?

Sometimes "justice", in addition to being an abstract concept can be boiled down to a dishonest word for revenge.

That's what I enjoy about it. Those who argue for moral relativism seem incapable of understanding they can't by definition then assume or determine themselves morally superior. Human psychology is the same across any generational or cultural spectrun. This is all too serious.

I don't think Stone and Parker are aligning themselves with middle grounde as much as they are skewering any, both or all sides with a morally relative satirical scalpel. It usually demonstrates how absolutely similar all these groups of people are despite the cultural barriers they've fortified for "their" side.

VII is one of those titles now considered "overrated""despite the echo chamber of universal praise it received in its day. Overrated is definitely the wrong word, like you said it just hasn't aged well. A lot of early 3d games from that era don't seem to stand up to the test of time like even FFVI (My all time

I heard very good things about Bravely Default. It may be a strange association but traditional turn based titles like that seem more at home for me on handheld than on a console the last few years.
If the new Final Fantasy is more a real time action title, and it looked interesting, I may give it a go. I so don't