
I own a One, I don't even have a last gen basis for comparison as I used the PS3 for exclusives tailored to their systems architecture. Blew my mind a lot of multiplatform games ran better on a Microsoft machine than Sony from what I heard through the years.

Fallout 4 on new hardware to boot. This will be ugly. Even Ubisoft couldn't just copy and paste Assassin's Creed Arkansas without it being a wreck.

Sounds good, but may wait until the first ten patches fix the predictable game breaking bugs and glitches that'll inevitably come with a day one, two or twelve day purchase.

Great review. I could never go back to Uncharted's clunky transitions from gun fighting to environmental platforming after how seamlessly the Tomb Raider reboot incorporated both. Happy to hear there's more puzzle solving in this one, though I wasin the minority of being satisfied with the amount in the previous

I find most fervent political partisans behave near identically, they're more psychologically similar than they may want to admit when it comes to beliefs. I've witnessed even the most respectful and humble approaches bring out that hostility you mentioned. I tend to think a lot of these reactions indicate an

Attacking usernames.
Talk about devoid.

…was that some kind of half-attempt at an insult?
That self importance card always seems to come well after one such as yourself has engaged.
so typical.

You may require some reading comprehension based upon the bile and venom I read in this very thread that you seem blissfully unaware of. Stay that way. We don't want you even sadder.

No, it simply reaffirms the need for reasonable doubt and due process, you sniveling dunce.

You seem to have a misunderstanding of your position to assume any authority to tsk tsk the tone and prose, curiously, only of the individuals you disagree with.
keep feigning that indignation.

Your lack of comprehension doesn't exactly give you the intellectual high ground.

Doesn't everyone communicate using Manatees?

Wow, congratulations for hitting nearly half a dozen stereotypes in one post.
You're quite typical, cupcake.

Death threats? Seen none.
Snarky comments akin to AVClub? Yep.
Law enforcement found no credible threats.

Oh there's that scarlet letter of oppression.
Too bad it's been cheapened beyond any and all meaning.


Well. I don't know how we're defining "going after her" but she seems to have been the tip of an iceberg.

Everyone has Better hair than Bob.
Even yours.

"Your lot"
Awfully tribalistic while trying to maintain that mistaken moral high ground you think you're on.

Glad the moderator deleted your comment.
Such harassment!