
Also, Elektra. And all the Hand goons. And literally everyone except Danny Rand.

We didn't either (we never got that far chronologically in World History), yet somehow I managed it. It started with Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was 5.

Same here.

Yes! All hail Bos!

Oh, I'm sure Bran will tell Jon. He was the first person he asked for when he arrived. I'm just saying, with the way people drop like flies in that world, he might want to let a few other people know, in case he doesn't make it.

That makes sense, or would have except Gilly was reading from a maester's journal.

Was it the High Septon? I thought it was an archmaester.

Was it Ned? I thought Cat was originally betrothed to Ned's older brother, until Aerys has him roasted over an open fire, and it was the brother Petyr challenged to a duel.

He can and has, although I think just in glimpses, and maybe only through the weirwoods.

But there are things that are easily verifiable, like the fact that the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch allowed the Free Folk south of the Wall en masse, and that they came peacably and settled *for the first time ever.* Surely, there had to be a reason for this to drive a refugee exodus of that scale, and even if

I wish I'd thought of that.

No, it was so that he could stay in Kings Landing with Cersei instead of being sent back to Casterly Rock. He wasn't yet old enough to be in the "let's piss off Daddy" phase.

I'd agree. I saw this movie (admittedly, as a grown adult) and enjoyed it while also recognizing how ridiculous it was on almost every level.

I managed to make it to 'Sucker Punch' before a Zack Snyder movie had me ready to walk out of the theater. The fact that I would have had to wait an hour-plus for my 3 companions is all that stopped me.

Eh. I remember many a reviewer pointing out the fascist overtones in '300' back when it was released. It's hardly unique to the AV Club or this column.

Jon Snow typically wears that fur cape, even when everyone around him is wearing the Westerosi equivalent of tank tops. I guess you really don't ever get warm again once you've been on the Wall.

The first two things I think of whenever someone mentions Casino Royale are the rope-to-the-balls torture and Bond smashing through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man.

He opposed him becoming a member of the Kingsguard because it meant he couldn't be heir to Casterly Rock, and the Mad King did it largely to fuck with Tywin.

I think what the show has done a poor job of is reminding viewers that, despite being relatively removed from the fighting that has depleted the Stark, Lannister, and Baratheon armies, Dorne and Highgarden are without any real military leaders, allowing them to be defeated easily by lazy writing.

Fog…And night time…And the absence of things like radar and sonar…