
If you're not trying to stop incursions/reinforcements from moving to and from the North, I don't think it matters so much. The Boltons/Greyjoy's seized it to bottle up Robb's army from being able to retake Winterfell.

The writers are still harping on it because that's the endgame for tech companies. I can tell you from personal experience, none of them WANT a high-end computer to be the entry requirement for VR; they want it to be possible on the hardware that most of the planet already understands and has access to.


I never realized the movie didn't do well in theaters. I saw it with my cousins and we all loved it Ditto The Dark Crystal.

Yeah, the Cavs are fueled by two isolation juggernauts, and a roster of guys who may or may not show up on any given night. They needed to play a nearly flawless game to get a single win in this series.

Thirded. This doc was the first time I learned the backstory of Bird's career-ending back injury. Most tragically blue-collar shit ever.

Don't worry, you'll get plenty of chances to see that happen over the next 4-5 years…

Three championships into MJ's career, that was still a legitimate (if erroneous) position to have in a discussion.

I used to think that, until I looked into it and discovered I was wrong.

"30 Rock had the benefit of being in a major city with a specific location that literally anyone could turn up in"

I have no idea. That confused the hell out of me, too.

It wasn't mentioned in the review, and I don't see any references in the comments, but someone DID let slip that Selina had been institutionalized between the end of last season and the start of this one, right? I didn't imagine that?

Just imagine if she knew about their naked pool chats.

I almost agree. They are the only two decent people on the show, but man, I love me some Wags, wannabe-marauder that he is.

Which party? Axe's? They were there. No lines (that I remember), but definitely in the group shots.

That complaint also overlooks the fact that Hicks was just as willing to risk going back for Newt, he just gets acid-dropped before he can help. So (at least in this movie) it's more a heroes-don't-leave-kids-behind thing than a mama-bear-and-cub thing.

I'm still waiting for them to just morph the franchise into live-action M.A.S.K. films.

I heard "food IN a bucket", but yours makes more sense.

Holy shit, I totally forgot he was in it!

My impression was that it had happened years prior.