
Hmmm...say more of this Gothika. Halle Berry, right? Ought I to ruin my life by seeing it?

Glad to see I'm not the only person whose RDJ mellow was harshed by the Republican thing. I also found him pretty insufferable by the end of the second Iron Man movie, too. A love I thought would never die, trampled to death...by an elephant.


There's that picture of the two of them walking down the street with their daughter, who briefly became a meme because she's such a (tiny) flaming badass.

Way to make good choices, EGR!

This story made me laugh, and is indeed horrifying. But hooker clothes on little girls horrify me, too. Sigh.

Hey, since I'm even bitchier now that I've had a beer, how about this: at least Michael Jackson didn't have to wonder if his kids would have his nose! Bhahahahahahhahaaa!

Dodai, this is exactly the kind of thing I always wonder about. And apparently, from reading the other comments down thread, that means that you and I are BOTH bitches.

We lived in Germany for a year and traveled extensively in Europe. I don't recall this being an issue in the UK, but everywhere else we went, it seemed that the idea of standing in lines was a non-concept. Sort of like how in Germany the length of time you can look at a stranger in public is significantly longer,

This is exactly MY method! Let's patent it, and sell the rights to use it to Brad and Angelina!

The world IS a weird place...as proven indisputably by this incredibly dumb exchange that you and I are having right now. Good day to you, sir!

Suck it, Angelina Jolie.

Also, I believe it is heating up plastic that releases the demons that are otherwise trapped safely within it.

Or a sleeping bag fantasy.

The internet = middle school 4-ever

Oh, my god! Your mom is the voice of Siri? That's so awesome!

Can't sleep. The hairy stairs will get me.