
Thank the gods that Simms won’t be on the CBS’s marquee game. He is garbage, and can barely put together a goddamned coherent thought, but bumping Romo to the so-called A-Team. Sounds a little aggressive/ambitious.

If I remember correctly you also hated the Witcher 3, meaning you hate my two favorite video games of the current generation of video games, meaning I now just know we have different taste in video games which is fine and I’ll look elsewhere for recommendations. THAT SAID, what is a somewhat recent game that you enjoy

What I love the most about Breath of the Wild is that the draw distance and the distinctness in the world combined means that even though I’m traveling on foot and with the HUD off, I never feel lost. I can look out into the distance and see some landmark that I recognize, and know just where I am. This is probably

He ok’d the mission, as Truman said “The Buck stops here”. Regardless of this article or speech, he said “they” got him killed. That’s not how presidents/leaders talk.

I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?

He’s on pace to be the greatest WR of all time. He deserves a lot of credit when his team wins.

There will be endless reprisals and recriminations, and they will all do approximately zero good, so I will try to avoid them. There’s more than enough blame to go around. But for one dark night (morning), I will indulge. You’re exactly right. The fucking goddamn DNC and their miserable godfuckinggoddamn triangulation

This is most likely what happened, most of these organization write their own bills nowadays or have enough of it pre-written that they can forward it along and just have the representative put it up for a vote. Saves everyone time and energy and helps government fuck shit up for people as efficiently as possible.

I think what he was trying to say is that Colin made it look easy for the eventual winner.

This looks so charming!

I think it's a recently unearthed Native American grave-site, to be fair.