
Greedy individuals use lobbying and congress, which works really well. Humans pollute, humans scam. Fiat launders more criminal money in a minute then Bitcoin in a year. We throw out half the electricity we produce globally every day.. All of crypto is a scam except Bitcoin, though. Run a full node, self validate,

This website uses energy to talk about video games...

Bitcoin is good for the environment, this website is not.

I have a Switch and will gladly buy this version also.

He should be pumped and ask them for a job.

We needed tariffs 40 years ago, too late now.

Yeah but not til more patches, don't help them beta test at launch.

Headsets are getting cheaper, produced in larger volume, not to far off being more affordable 

Disn't needs long article to figure out he's a moron. Maybe don't talk about him.

She is a sick sick guitar player, super creative stuff. Pretty cool that she digs zelda.

I don't like steam but origin is a big step backwards.

So if I used my flathead screwdriver to open paint cans and steam finds out?

What the fuck

Skins fan, just dont care anymore 

I love my mad professor amp, have too much stuff, but it all sounds different and fun to mess with.

Im a skins fan from birth, so I don't watch the NFL anymore, what's the point?

I didn't finish it initially but mostly because it was tough to run smoothly fir a bit.

Yep, such a massive game

Not great boxing, guy left himself so open

That Lakers are a performance art troop?