
If I can fire an employee for showing up late, or (in right-to-work states) for no reason whatsoever why can’t I fire the local (alleged) rapist?

So basically he ran as a spoiler. Fucking classy, GOP.

PR should choose there own destiny. Would glad welcome them with full statehood but would honor their choice.

Yes times infinity. If I read one more article about how this appointment is going to “change the direction of the court for a decade” I’m going to fucking scream. Assuming the Dems win the POTUS and retake the Senate, go and pack the court. Or pull the right to decide the constitutionality of cases from SCOTUS and

Yeah, I’m kind of confused why this is even a question. Sauron is the obvious answer and, “But he’s the bad guy” doesn’t really seem to call that into question to me. In the entire history of Middle Earth, he’s one of the most historically important individuals. There are books about Hitler, despite being an evil shit

The Lord of the Rings is Sauron. The full title of the Red Book of Westmarch is: The Downfall of the Lord of the Rings and the Return of the King.

The Lord of the Rings is Sauron. The full title of the Red Book of Westmarch is: The Downfall of the Lord of the Rings and the Return of the King.

Also, Sauron is twice referred to as The Lord of the Ring[s] in The Fellowship of the Ring

Sweet! I can’t wait for her to play regular She-Hulk, Red She-Hulk, Gray She-Hulk and Yellow She-Hulk all in one scene!

As someone still upset that Maslany lost out on the lead role in Rogue One I’m glad she’s finally headlining something again. And it’s Maslany, she can do so much with body language and tone to make She Hulk work.

YES. This absolutely blew my mind.

I still think back to when one of the clones would have to pretend to be one of the other clones once in awhile... so she’s playing a clone of herself, pretending to be another clone... especially trying to surpress or imitate another accent, and forgetting it’s all just the same person.

1 - No.

1 - stop calling “the child” - BABY YODA. He is not a baby version of Yoda, and Yoda is not a species, it is a name.

You know he won’t shut up about taking out that shield generator on the forest moon, right?

Guys... guys.... for the love of Pete. It’s pretty clear Temuera Morrison is not playing Fett. He’s playing Rex. 

Emphatic yes, and then put Bush in the Hague’s dock.

I asked an octopus to join me in raising our hands.

Forget impeachment. Raise your hand if you agree everyone in this administration should be on trial at The Hague.

I’m so glad. I really enjoyed it and the Pandemic left us with a huge cliff hanger.

So that’s how white people feel when the police stop them in America.