You may joke, but there should be a museum. On the Mall. For the same reason there is a Holocaust Museum.
You may joke, but there should be a museum. On the Mall. For the same reason there is a Holocaust Museum.
We need a Museum of Ignominy on the National Mall. We could fill it with all these statues and folks can line up to piss on them.
Well, I hope they are wearing masks over their nose and mouth.
Better than William Bryan’s attorney in the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery. On live TV, he straight up called his client a stupid blue collar worker too dumb to be asked comprehensive questions.
I grew up in a town with a lot of dairy cows, I can see when a guy is full of shit too.
I worked at a home improvement store in the early 80s and I’ve stacked maybe ten-thousand bags of manure in my time.
“I didn’t care what their motivation was. I was frightened, I was assaulted, I was in imminent fear that they would run me over, kill me, burn my house.”
And another May tweet from Adams read: “Don’t shut down the universities. Shut down the non essential majors. Like Women’s Studies.”
Then why was she asked to show it? She was asked to show it because Karen assumed she didn’t have one. Once she showed it, that should have been the end of it. But without a reason she shouldn’t have been asked in the first place. She should have been afforded the same peace as the white guests had.
“Everyone in this regime lies, about everything” is not news, nor is it particularly noteworthy. Of course it’s total horseshit. “He couldn’t be reached” is just another brazen, bald-faced, “dare you to call us on it” lie, just like every other claim, statement, declaration, or missive they have uttered, sent,…
I mean this narrative is self-evidently false. Even on the golf course, the president is always accompanied by the guy with the nuclear launch codes, and of course, multiple Secret Service agents. His location is known at all times because of course it has to be - he’s the fucking President of the United States. He’s…
I agree.. By constantly underestimating his intelligence.. he’s winning/has won over his base, who then uses strong arm tactics and intimidation to scare off/brutalize others.
We need to recognize the fact that while his actions may see foolish (and they are).. they are smart in the context of who he’s fighting FOR..…
I think they think, this is the big last-resort game-changer in the upcoming elections, where all the polls show die Partei so far behind. They’re going to get the hoods and bedsheets out and march down the streets being loud ‘n’ proud racists, and they hope by doing so to energize all the non-voting racists and turn…
She says in the video that she gets paid by the government. I took that very clearly to mean that she’s on public assistance.
Oh, man. Adrian was a fairly significant station on the Underground Railroad. But Lenawee County, today? It’s lost, baby, and it ain’t ever comin’ back. Michigan fucked up when it attracted all of the damned Bubbas up from the South to settle in the southern part of the state back in the early 1900's. It’s exactly who…
I’ll go out on a limb here and suggest that she has not studied logic and philosophy at the post-graduate level. Just a hunch.
The police union said they quit in solidarity.
I’d simply say that if you’re not biased toward civil and human rights, you have no business being amplified in our society. Period. There is no legitimate “other side” to this. You are either for civil and human rights, or you are against them. Doesn’t even have to be specifically about BLM; in fact, it better be…
If at this point you aren’t biased in favor of BLM, you’re just wrong.
What a lazy action for any journalistic endeavor to undertake. Most reporters have bias since they are human beings, people have strong opinions regardless of the color of their skin and the memes they tweet, the only thing editors should do is to watch for bias interfering with the work those reporters produce.